Wednesday 26 July 2023

Day 2 - France

I remember learning French in college, just for the sake of get through exams. Now come the real purpose. I never thoughtI could be in France .

We had a log jorney to Lourdes from Lisieux. It was roughly 8 heures and in total 10 hrs including breaks. The autoroutes are like motor ways in UK but with lots of toll roads. For me it was entirely new experience to get and pay ticket being on the left hand side.

The most enjoyed place in the journey was aide / rest areas which were plenty. To get down peacefully , get refreshed, picnic or playtime for families. We had  few mini breaks with picnic.

As we move through, we could locate so many statutes along the roads, crucifix, Mary the mother,... 

It was such a different vibe from UK.geogeaphically different produce especially lots of corns, wheat fields, hales, sunflower patches, towards South .We got out on the way.

I have taught basic French to elder kiddos. For the sake of travelling, we got a few travel French words...Like Bon Jour : Good Morning./ Hi
Merci : Thank you which you hear often. 
Combien: How much?
Un, Deux; Tres, quatre : 
Dimanche : Sunday and so on.

I found another French pharmacy with Homeopathic medicines.French use lot of homeopathy.

Onee of the most fascinating thing about France is the Boulangerie- Bakery with yum yum Croissant, varieties of breads, baguettes are very cheap, crepes, pattiseerie shops. You mustn't miss it. We had mostly baguettes, chorizo, pizza salads on our journey and kids enjoyed it. ... Concluded our long trip to Lourdes by 6 pm. By eve, we went to perep in Lourdes and finally to bed. Bon nuight.

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About Me

Manchester, United Kingdom
A catholic mum with four wonderful children and my wonderful husband. My interests includes my family, faith,home education.Would love to do n enjoy Craft and arts,baking, journaling and reading when I get time,celebrates liturgical feasts in the family, likes Charlotte Mason philosophy, passionate about nature study, Montessori fan.To keep innocence, I would like to keep Annu as the eldest, Munnu and Theresu and Georgu as the youngest. Likes to read on parenting, lousy housekeeper,would love to work for the kingdom of God. I am a Homeopath too, member of Faculty of Homeopathy UK and anyone who like to have a safe, natural medicinal approach, feel free to approach me.