Saturday, 15 February 2025

Saint Valentine- Love ❤ is kind

It was 💝 valentines day. We had nothing major.celebration . However as a family we had a meal together, better than any celebration ❤., fish and chips on that Friday. Very delicious since we didn't have fish and chips for such a long time. Children listened to the St Valentines story and made a mini craft.

By eve we had our friends ❤....cut mini heart cake..It was lot of fun with family and friends on Valentines day...had fun time playing games,recited rosary and had lot of lovely chat and laughter with breaking some very special news of ❤. 

I baked a velvet cake and Annu embellished along with our dear Emma.

It is reminded again again- "God so loved the world, He sent his beloved son , so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life".. Amen.

Some of the past memories and Saint story.

      St Valentine Ora Pro Nobis

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About Me

Manchester, United Kingdom
A catholic mum with four wonderful children and my wonderful husband. My interests includes my family, faith,home education.Would love to do n enjoy Craft and arts,baking, journaling and reading when I get time,celebrates liturgical feasts in the family, likes Charlotte Mason philosophy, passionate about nature study, Montessori fan.To keep innocence, I would like to keep Annu as the eldest, Munnu and Theresu and Georgu as the youngest. Likes to read on parenting, lousy housekeeper,would love to work for the kingdom of God. I am a Homeopath too, member of Faculty of Homeopathy UK and anyone who like to have a safe, natural medicinal approach, feel free to approach me.