Friday 10 May 2024

Feast of Ascension

The solenity of Ascension is a wonderful day yo celebrate. Over the years, we have been out forvpicnic, going up in the hills...making crafts using cotton or some creams.

 The feast promises though Christ gone up and but Hus promise that I will not leave you. That givd us such a profound peace, Do not be afraid.

Another reminder in my life was from Gospel- Go and proclaim the good news to the ends of the world...Thats my desire...Hope Lord will lead me..

Some of tge crafts and fun on the day:

It was art of connection going to aircraft viewing park. It is a fabulous site on the day to look up to sky when disciples were around and slowly Lord displayed into the clouds. 
Anothrr beautiful tradition can be going for picnicking on hilltops

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About Me

Manchester, United Kingdom
A catholic mum with four wonderful children and my wonderful husband. My interests includes my family, faith,home education.Would love to do n enjoy Craft and arts,baking, journaling and reading when I get time,celebrates liturgical feasts in the family, likes Charlotte Mason philosophy, passionate about nature study, Montessori fan.To keep innocence, I would like to keep Annu as the eldest, Munnu and Theresu and Georgu as the youngest. Likes to read on parenting, lousy housekeeper,would love to work for the kingdom of God. I am a Homeopath too, member of Faculty of Homeopathy UK and anyone who like to have a safe, natural medicinal approach, feel free to approach me.