Curriculum plans

Bible History

Monday 27 December 2021


It's been another Christmas and thankfully we could sail though safely for another year . God with us- Emmanuel, how much awe His presence in our lives  over the year.

  This year Christmas day was at home . All the gifts were opened after the H mass. Christingle decorated for the centre piece.Red ribbon around orange shows God 's love that encircle us. Candle lit represents  Jesus the light of the world. Sweets and dry fruits symbolises all of the creation

   Roast dinner ready 

The gifts opened and the excitements over after the adventure of unwrapping  finished.

On boxing day we were with friends together. 

Ginger bread house decorated by Thomas family .

Performed a nativity play with Carols. All children did great and had a beautiful day in Thomas new house. 

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Winter Solstice and Rising Dawn

It was winter solstice yesterday in UK- December 21st. The days have been shorter and nights were longer for the past 6 months. Shortest day of the year and UK experienced nearly 7 hours  and 49 minutes of daylight.
      Latin wold 'Solstitium' means sun  stopping or sun stand still. Winter Solstice is a moment of pause before  the returning of light. 

      The Antiphon yesterday also coincide with it- title of Jesús as rising Dawn/ Orient/ Dayspring ,  reminds us of Christmas and Christ who gives hope to anyone who feel their world has plunged into  darkness All of us   endured short winter days, often with sun obscured by clouds over, long nights , can get the metaphor quickly . Some time to look for light. ...get the spirits up.Come and Enlighten us Lord...

   Be gentle with ourselves ,  all of us have been through  so  much. Have hope.

The hymn goes like this  'O come thou dayspring from on high, And cheer us by thy drawing nigh..dispeese the gloomy clouds of night..'

  We went  to see lights as a family and put our  Christmas lights too.

          From last year  memories

Friday 17 December 2021

St Lucia

It was the week with Feast of St Lucy during advent..on 13th December.  Lot of traditions of St Lucy revolves around swedish tradition.

     St Lucy was a virgin and martyr ,who often portrayed with eyes carried in a tray. She was tortured as being a Christian, torn out her eyes. However the biggest mirace was she was able to see .

    She used to visit imprisoned, brought blankets and food to them. Both arms were kept free to carry as many supplies as possible. So she wore a wreath around head with candles, like head lights of now a days to walk through dark underground prisons. That is the tradition to carry candle on feast.

    So many beautiful traditions esp. Swedish...are there. Eldest girls bake or give breakfast of saffron buns( called lussekatter) and boys dressed up as star boys.... Like St Lucy may we be  light to many others. 

        St Lucy buns
               Our Star boy

     Happy Feast of St Lucy

A few other activities this week was visiting a home with do many residents and sung Carol sings for them as part of St Mary's warrington.

        Net day , as a family we decorated  our parish little bit. ...putting up little banners.

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Advent saints

Advent is a time of preparing and getting ready for the coming of the Lord in two ways;  one is the birth of the Lord and the second coming of the Lord.

     During this season, some of the saints are specially remembered and celebrated.  One of the main feast is on 6th of December was of St Nicholas. At home, it is a day of excitement for children. Little ones put out the shoes in the mantle getting some presents from St Nicholas. This time kids wrote a letter to baby Jesus and left in the shoe. 

    The story of St Nicholas always an inspiring story for kids, to encourage and share the essence of Christmas. When we think of  GIVING, so often we think of money, but to inspired to share whatever talents we possess.

           One of the important person nevertheless to be forgotten is Mary , who said YES to God made redemption possible.  Today is the Solemnity of Immaculate conception.  Mary  conceived without stains of original sin, prepared mother of God so wonderfully and beautifully .Some of the highlights of the day.


Geo is  getting ready with flowers for Our Lady.

Some of colouring and crafts for the day, talked them through the beautiful page about the immaculate conception.  Mary conceived in St Ann, looking away from serpent indicating Mary preserved from original stain. Three rays of Holy Trinity. 

Happy Feast...and a wonderful journey through the lives of saints that gone before us. 

Monday 29 November 2021

Advent journey

Advent is here. The first Sunday of advent was yesterday. This year, we had an opportunity to start our journey with  the jy children. 

       Prepared the advent wreath, evergreen leaves represent His ever lasting love for each ...battery operated candles decorated with sticky glittery foil. This week begin with the theme of Hope- ...


      Another very special activity during the journey is making Jesse tree- A shoot will sprout from stump of Jesse...starting with creation  going up till nativity on Dec 25th. Reading  bible passages  each evening after lighting advent candle and colouring accordingly can be an interesting activity for children during the season.

    More advent preps on it's way getting ready for the Lord.

Jochayan's birthday this week, celebrated with dear ones at home. Missing him so badly especially on birthday. Glad that it is a very special day for dad and mum

      We were in Alton castle to help children's ministry, third day end with power cut struck by storm.  But children were extremely keen to play and make snow balls next day.

     Have a blessed Advent season

Sunday 21 November 2021

Feast of Christ the king

 I remember the story of a Mexican saint in recent times, who martyred on feast of Christ king. It is a joy that Christ is proclaimed as king of universe and king of hearts. As we listen to kingship of Christ last Sunday of Liturgical year, we made little crown with cookie dough. Some of the little doodle at home.

On this day, we pray for every hearts to be touched by the Lord , a day to consecrate our homes to Sacred Heart.

 Cookie dough getting ready. Both Therese and geo into full swing of baking.


   Viva Christo Rey- Long live Christ the king   


Thursday 11 November 2021

Remembrance Week

Another month which remember all those who died in world wars. This week was a week to peep  more into veterans and their journey. Lest not forget...  , just had a chance to read through Flander's field poem. Looked at Armistice day when war stopped and Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday falls close to 11th of November. Time to look forward to two minute silence at 11.00am and queen's speech.

    Art work about the war trenches with poppy art , word search and scrambles. 


This month is a time for us as family to visit our nearby cemetry and pay visit to war memorials. The colourful season is just fading , however it still a beautiful glance in Southern cemetry ...

   Candle craft made with Derby children as part of children's ministry.


In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields......


Friday 5 November 2021

Month of November

Month of November is all about souls. Remembering the triumphant souls and suffering souls. Also remembering all those died in wars- remembrance day.  All saints day pictures here. One of my favourite person is St Martin de Porres. He was a very special saint who has so many gifts- healing, humility, .He wanted to be a donado, one who gives himself completely to God in the service of others whom I am interceding for my ministry too.

St Gertrude prayer for the month for holy souls in purgatory.

 Some of other highlight this week is- bonfire night , which our God daughter  came and spent time. Our little blasts at home...Jobycha lit and am bit scary. But enjoyed the fireworks together. Always remind me the Christmas night in India.
Caramel slice pud made yesterday, something gone wrong, but came out just ok. :

3 eggs, milk, vanilla essence and sugar for caramel.

 In a large heavy saucepan, cook and stir 3/4 cup sugar over low heat until sugar is melted and golden.

 Pour into eight 6-oz. custard cups, tilting to coat bottom of cup; let stand for 10 minutes. 

In a large bowl, beat the eggs, milk, vanilla and remaining sugar until blended but not foamy. 

Pour over caramelized sugar. Place the cups in two 8-in. square baking pans. 

Pour very hot water in pans ,  Bake at 350° until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean, 40-45 minutes. 

Remove from pans to cool on wire racks, run a knife around rim of cup and onto dessert place. Serve warm or chilled.