Curriculum plans

Bible History

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Advent saints

Advent is a time of preparing and getting ready for the coming of the Lord in two ways;  one is the birth of the Lord and the second coming of the Lord.

     During this season, some of the saints are specially remembered and celebrated.  One of the main feast is on 6th of December was of St Nicholas. At home, it is a day of excitement for children. Little ones put out the shoes in the mantle getting some presents from St Nicholas. This time kids wrote a letter to baby Jesus and left in the shoe. 

    The story of St Nicholas always an inspiring story for kids, to encourage and share the essence of Christmas. When we think of  GIVING, so often we think of money, but to inspired to share whatever talents we possess.

           One of the important person nevertheless to be forgotten is Mary , who said YES to God made redemption possible.  Today is the Solemnity of Immaculate conception.  Mary  conceived without stains of original sin, prepared mother of God so wonderfully and beautifully .Some of the highlights of the day.


Geo is  getting ready with flowers for Our Lady.

Some of colouring and crafts for the day, talked them through the beautiful page about the immaculate conception.  Mary conceived in St Ann, looking away from serpent indicating Mary preserved from original stain. Three rays of Holy Trinity. 

Happy Feast...and a wonderful journey through the lives of saints that gone before us. 

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