Curriculum plans

Bible History

Monday 29 November 2021

Advent journey

Advent is here. The first Sunday of advent was yesterday. This year, we had an opportunity to start our journey with  the jy children. 

       Prepared the advent wreath, evergreen leaves represent His ever lasting love for each ...battery operated candles decorated with sticky glittery foil. This week begin with the theme of Hope- ...


      Another very special activity during the journey is making Jesse tree- A shoot will sprout from stump of Jesse...starting with creation  going up till nativity on Dec 25th. Reading  bible passages  each evening after lighting advent candle and colouring accordingly can be an interesting activity for children during the season.

    More advent preps on it's way getting ready for the Lord.

Jochayan's birthday this week, celebrated with dear ones at home. Missing him so badly especially on birthday. Glad that it is a very special day for dad and mum

      We were in Alton castle to help children's ministry, third day end with power cut struck by storm.  But children were extremely keen to play and make snow balls next day.

     Have a blessed Advent season

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