Curriculum plans

Bible History

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Winter Solstice and Rising Dawn

It was winter solstice yesterday in UK- December 21st. The days have been shorter and nights were longer for the past 6 months. Shortest day of the year and UK experienced nearly 7 hours  and 49 minutes of daylight.
      Latin wold 'Solstitium' means sun  stopping or sun stand still. Winter Solstice is a moment of pause before  the returning of light. 

      The Antiphon yesterday also coincide with it- title of Jesús as rising Dawn/ Orient/ Dayspring ,  reminds us of Christmas and Christ who gives hope to anyone who feel their world has plunged into  darkness All of us   endured short winter days, often with sun obscured by clouds over, long nights , can get the metaphor quickly . Some time to look for light. ...get the spirits up.Come and Enlighten us Lord...

   Be gentle with ourselves ,  all of us have been through  so  much. Have hope.

The hymn goes like this  'O come thou dayspring from on high, And cheer us by thy drawing nigh..dispeese the gloomy clouds of night..'

  We went  to see lights as a family and put our  Christmas lights too.

          From last year  memories

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