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Thursday 3 August 2023

WYD 2023 JMJ Lisbon

This is the first time for me in WYD hang over. Started from Lourdes there were lots and lots of pilgrim groups from US, Philippines and so on, so many youngsters  doing pilgrimages and moving to Lisbon to attend WYD..

Such a wonderful experience, Fatima another huge crowd of youngsters cheering up, waving flags, chanting songs, having group fun, exhilarated to see the bigger  and dynamic church. Amazing. Finally reached Lisbon. We are residing in the outskirts of Lisboa. However we could easily catch metro as we are super close to metro station. Thank God. All worked for good. We didn't plan about at all. Heard Portugese public transport is extremely good.

Reached Lisboa when WYD opening took place, took a rest, had a look around city.Wow, what a way to kick off World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon! 

🌟🤩 Day 1 was filled with laughter, love, and an electrifying atmosphere. From the vibrant street festivals to the moving Opening Mass, we've witnessed the beauty of diversity and the strength of our faith.  

Day 2, went around to parkes to attend some of the favourites of the day...Colino encantaria park which we ended up  with tight security. Huge rehersal for next day opening ceremony with Holy father going to be there. Carrying the WYD cross and Our Lady to the stage  which is the wyd symbols.

Anothe venue near seaside, Terrero De Paco . Another band . Spanish band on show, so many venues with more than 200 bands performing, games, films, volley balls, city of joy with repentence, vocation fairs and cant imagine things across so many venues. Getting to different locations is the exciting bit of WYD, my husband always says. This is WYD, listening and hearing, moving on venue to venue, seeing the bigger picture of the Church, dynamic youth vibes. Kiddos coping well..

99.1 ( band of JY Uk) is performing.  Here is the venue.  All uk jy's landed at tte right  time

 Here JY uk 99.1 band performance. 
We travelled through metros, huge crowds passingby to different venues,  youngsters in bunches chanting and cheering up , boosting the spirit. Everywhere is WYD waves on, even the food shops..

Annu and Mich with their friends  wandering, different locations enjoying their way until we collect and meet them at late night. So we were going around with other two.

Through the heart of Lisboa city

Day 3 Of WYD ..On the way to Belem- to cross few metros. Today we went to Belem which is the other end of blue line, where on the beach side where Gerenimo monastery, Point of Vasco De Gama, firther up is St Antony's birth place and tomb of Vasco De Gama.

Vox Cristi was performing in Parque de  Loures.Here is the show 1,2

  Ponte of Vasco De Gama ( Belem Tower)

On this spot is the beautiful landmark of Belem Tower. Portugal was at the forefront of discoveries between 14th and 18th century. This tower was built in Tagus river mouth to ptotect city's quays.. Such a fabulous scene to see the sculptor of expedition team pointing to Tagus river mouth,  across is the bridge and far away you could see the Christ the Redeemer, with stretching of beautiful blue water, boats sailing through, getting goosebumps, on the other side is Gerenimo monastery.

 This is one of the Lisbon's main attractions and landmarks, on a beautiful open riverside setting , enjoy drink, have cool snaps, or watch a great sunset. Epic scene. I loved it and I wanna be there . Please click here for a better view
Some of the jy gatherings and friends we met .

Jesus Youth UK
        All pilgrim families who made UK Road Trip

   So many bands, speakers  renowned singers, resources..hillsongs, Fr Rob, PJ, Bishop Barron, Mat Maher, Jeremy ( chosen series) and so many  people from all over the World. Many met Holy father from bit far.  It was stations of the cross yesterday and tonight is tte day of vigil and Final mass with Holy Father. Packing up for mini camping for tonight...exciting and challenging.

It was a long journey in preparation to attend vigil and H Mass with Holy father. Thick crowd of youngsters flowing  from every nook and corner of Lisbon. Crowds getting thicker and longer, families helping with filling water ftom flats upstairs and showering  the crowds and it make the crowds cooling down  Children enjoying every moment though it was roasting with weather of above 40 degrees.  Our journey started at 1.30pm, left car 3 kms away from Campe Grande ,where event happening. We reached around 6.30 pm the site, through motorways and big bridge to cross over. Such an epic moments, entered the location. awesome stage on either side of riverside.  crowds flowing like anything and chanting ..What an amazing day and fabulous site. Finally we reached the designated space for public as we only got a few badges. 

  7.30 pm: Tents got ready, Mary family journeyed with us too and many Portuguese families all set in to welcome Pope Francis. 

 So great to see so many youth and some families from Portugal, France, Spain and far from US , England and all. Though it is such a massive crowd of  more than 1.5 million people, no hassles, no pushing, fighting, everywhere at sereme peace other than wonderful dance and chants.

    Glance of Holy Father

Wonderful moments in Lisbon with around 1.5 million young adults (adoration and songs) and got wake-up call by a DJ priest with his music beats. Beautiful melody and sweet vibe in the morning to get up and get ready, pack up camping tents and mats, for Holy Mass with Pope Francis at 9 am. 

Early morning view of Pilgrims, sleep out.

Grand Finale culminated with H.mass with Holy Father and adios.

It was a great week culminated with Papal blessing .

     Bye Bye WYD Lisboa 2023 and next one declared to be in South Korea.

    Bye Bye  Lisbon

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