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Tuesday 1 August 2023

Fatima: Mesmerising Experience

Living in Tomar , which is 30-40 minutes drive to Fàtima. Thank God for such an awesome Marian place. I am so grateful to God as this is our pilgrimage to 3rd famous Marian shrines in Europe. 

On the way to Fatima, We stumbled on Santarem, where a beautiful Eucharistic miracle happened in 13th Century where a lady took Consecrated host to home with wrong intention, terrified omce it started bleeding and whole community gathered. This  consecrated host is preserved after scientific examination, in Santarem church.. So many adoration going on. World Youth day cross replica was brought into the church.

Fatima reminds me of so many things : Of war, when apparitions began as well as St John Paul 2nd was shot . Times of world war, with lack of love, selfishness and desire of power. God has been giving a glimmer of hope to mankind through this lovely place.

Three shepherd children, Jacinta, Francesco and Lucia who accepted to offer voluntarly to loving God. First the angel of Portugal appeared and gave them Eucharist and then Mary  on every 13th of May till October, still reminds us the merciful God and bathing them in light like the heart of Lady of the Immaculate Heart. It was breathtaking to see the vast colonnade architected in similar to St Peters square. 

 Some of the videos of  Basilica, sanctuary, Colonnade,  Tombs of Little shepherds, Francesco

Must visit and pray in :
Little Chapel of Apparitions : This is the spot where Mary appeared to Little shepherd children.. Crown of Mary got bullets shot to St John Paul 2.. As JP2 says Mary saved her and he offered bullet in the crown as a gesture .


People knelt , walk and pray . Little kiddos also knelt and said rosary.

Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fàtima: Massive and it is designed in a semi circular shape and  it can hold 50,000 people. 

Some of the WYD participants in Fatima.
High Cross

Colonnade  similar to St Peters.

Sanctuary: This is where the tombs of the three children. Here is the video of tombs

St John Paul's shot place 

There is a hole in God's heart longing for each of us.
   Our Lady of,Fatima Ora Pro Nobis

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