Curriculum plans

Bible History

Monday 29 May 2023

Celebrating Pentecost

Since Pentecost is the birthday of church, its a special time to cut a birthday cake and also known as Whitsunday in Britain. Reminder of the power of Holy Spirit in our lives.It ranks the great feasts of Christianity.

“It commemorates not only the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and Disciples, but also the fruits and effects of that event: the completion of the work of redemption, the fullness of grace for the Church and its children, and the gift of faith for all nations.”

Whitsun was on 28th May this year 2023 The day after , Whit Monday was a bank holiday up until 1972 and replaced later with Spring Bank Holiday.

This year something very special happened, there was a Whitwalk on Spring bank holiday in Manchester. That was an amazing experience. To walk with different churches in Mcr through heart of city after a beautiful time of worship. Northwest walk was accompanied by brass bands, choirs, church clergies, parades of different churches with their massive banner stretched by ribbons in different ankles. Anglo saxon word Whit means understanding and people wear white  garment reminding baptism. So encouraging to be part of parade. Me, Jobychaya, Theresu and Geo did the walk, others ar home prepping for exams.

Some of the activities done on this day. Reminding of the gifts of the Holy spirit we made Dove craft, can also  make windsock or make some birthday headband. Cupcakes instead of birthday cake to celebrate birthday.

Also got an opportunity to minister to children on this very special feast.

    Dovecraft, ideas from catholic icing.

There is a beautiful and ancient custom of  dropping rose petals through the opening at the top of  the dome in some places. The petals fall to the crowds below, reminiscent of the coming  of the Holy Spirit like tongues of flame.

The vigil of pentecost is the conclusion of Eastertide in a profound way. Also its a time to say Holy spirit prayer...'Come Holy Spirit enkindle in us the fire of your love...' 

Blogpost from past years. Beautiful craft ideas here.

     I hope you had a blessed day.

Sunday 21 May 2023

Greater Manchester Run

Great city is on run today 21st May 2023. For the first time in 14 years of our stay in Manchester, we took part in Greater Manchester Run, bit shame to be late.  It was such a tremendous experience for us seeing thousands of people,more than 25, 000 people join in the event as per news.

This year was the 20th Anniversary of the run . Weather was in blazing city sushine. It was a magnificent day. City was in a party mood, start to finish with a high energy soundtrack, live music and entertainment zones at every turn.

British Olympian Sir Mo Farah also took part in the morning 10 K as one of his retirement journeys.This is considered as the third largest mass participation running event in UK other than North run and London run.

Geo was in mini dash for 1.5 km and he took nearly 7 minutes to finish and Mich accompanied him. Great to see young man completing his run. Met many homeedders and our friends. 

Tired young man, reaching finishing line on 8th place.

   Taking a break after run, feels giddy.

 Though theresu had a neck sprain, she made a brilliant debut too, made a nice finish in  for 2.5 km. Folliwing that 10K was up and going. However, we moved to visit those stalls and photo booths.  Had a thrilling experience watching all athletes. Many celebrities like Mo Faroh, coronation stars, Peter Hook for Christie,  founder of mummy star charity,  mayor Andy Burnham all joined in the morning for 10 K which we missed sadly ..

Enjoyed and proud being a Mancunian. Thank God for all the brilliant opportunities we had enjoyed over the years being in the city.

Thursday 18 May 2023

Sunny Days

Getting warmer these days and taking chances to soak in sun as much as we can. Playing outdoor , football is children's favourite. Getting bikes out, going out as a family, visiting our orchards, strolls are our specials.

  Recently , there was  a trip to our local woods with some of our friends.

It was Ascension thursday, reminding of 40 days after Easter Lord Jesus ascended to heaven. Thus the Ascension is not Jesus leaving us abandoned, orphaned, but Jesus going to prepare a place for us—and to send his Spirit to be with us always. 

There are lot of beautiful ways you can celebrate.  

Visitng hill stations/ mountains reminding of Jesus going up to heaven when disciples around Him

Making an Ascension craft.

Foodies: Having a roast meal.some jellies with cream as He is gone up into clouds as they were looking, in the same way He will come again. Planning some white deserts or cupcakes( labels)

Reading Ascension stories ad enact.

As it is a day of obligation, you can work around your time to attend Holy Mass.

We went in our playing fields and played rocket . Sky is so vast and very calm in the afternoon. 

Then there was a mini marathon  preparation for Great Manchester Run 2023 this Saturday.

I love the scriptures on ascension- to go and preach good news till the very end of the dream and praying for it.

From archives in the previous years ,2020..

Sunday 14 May 2023

First Solemn Mass- A Blessed Moment

Such an amazing day with lots of heavenly music and calmness, beautuful worship and homily was moving. As a family, we were so inspired by Mc Cowen family, always at the heart of our Home educating journey. Such a wonderful family, I would say saintly family.

First Solemn Mass of Michael was absolutely stunning and we all were fully absorbed into the day. It was kind of very honoured day for our family too. Thinking of past memories when Michael used to come to our house to give piano lesson  for Annu and Munnu.
   Joseph , the younger one also part of same congregration ( Institute of Christ the King).

After H Mass was there was a little do. So met many of our other homeed friends. 

Blessing of Fr Michael to congregation was there in the end. 

Together with our family. 

 I always remember the warmth and support I received in our homeeducating journey through this wonderful family especially through Aexandra, enjoying the summer days going to their home, strolls in the park, sharing resources, our Homeschooling group. Often dramas and nativity plays, carols singing in nearby residential home are cherishable moments with them and so on..Praying for Mc Cowen's family on this great day. 

God Bless

Mary Crowning - On Feast of Our Lady of Fàtima

Month of May is traditionally dedicated to Mary the mother of Christ. May brings new life and vigour to nature itsef, full of blooms everywhere marking onset of summer.

The angel  too honour Lady, when angel greets her with words of praises and this practise trace back to 700 years.

So many things can be done this month as a family.

Praying Rosary

May Altar

May Crowning

Mary Garden


Mary Crowning: Crowning is very popular in Britain, placing a wreath on her head, carrying Marian statue and process with songs. One of the famous song is O Mary we crown thee...In olden time brides lay their wedding boquets at feet of Mary to bless their marriage.

This year 2023 , we had three opportunities to crown, one in beloved , moms conference, another on The feast of Fàtima there was children's group as part of mancunian jy. Children sang, one boy who received First Holy communion recently crowned Mary and finally in our home, Our Lady .

Following that there was a feast day cake to celebrate the day. Kids enacted the story of Fàtima.

The below beautiful Fàtima prayer was reminded to pray again on the day and for souls.

    During beloved

     In our Home by Geo who is preparing for his First Holy Communion next month.

Mary Garden: Another beautiful thing is making a beautiful scented garden aroung Mary in outdoors. So many beautiful flowers are connected to Mary. For eg; Rose, Calendula, Lilly, English daisy , Marigold and so on.

     O Mary who conceived without Original Sin, Pray for us.

Thursday 11 May 2023

Beloved 2023

It was such an adorable three days for each and every mom gathered in Hayes, Derbyshire from each and every quote in the mug to the candles gifted in the end of Beloved. Every bit was thoroughly designed and executed so magnificently. To me , it was such a great time of creativity, joy,friendship and gratitude.

   The day began with a beautiful welcome pack includes sweet, flower, Word of God for each moms which we prayed for each other and blessed on the first day. It was a lovely talk on daughter of God by Alice Hall, concluded with led adoration by her. 

Our Lady of Rosa Mystica all ready to welcome mothers with a wood craft done by me and children, carved as 'O Mary conceived without Original Sin pray for us'. First attempt with woods and was a dream  for a long time. 

 Day 2 packed with three sessions on motherhood, and workshop on temperamence by Hazel , Teenage parenting by Anna and one for young mothers. The day ended with astounding experience before the Lord and praying over by  moms .

With my junior Aiimsonian, time of treasure walk and reflection. We choose to sit and meditate after a short walk.

With beloved Bishop who came for reconciliation, so humbled by his presence and honoured. Basket with veil for offertory reminding the purity of Sacrament of matrimony.

Eve full of Lord's blessed presence , led by Jayamma and decorum by Sminu.

Day 3
The day commenced with time with the beloved ( personel time) moved into gentle stretching then excercise which was quintessential for moms and often neglected. Those time were fab as many sensed their bodies need gentle nudges to sustain a healthy body and soul. Hazel led the stretching time with zumba towards the end. That was awesome for me and to see every moms loved and long to survive with those for as long as move back to their abodes.

Another thrilling experience for me was Crowning of Mary. Since it is May and month of Mary, reminds of Mary as Queen of Heaven and earth. I also made a humble prayer through her day before if all mothers coild have a jubilant time outdoors . So it literally happened and we were ttuly blessed. As I looked for weather for 1pm, my heart was blown away. Temp showed up 18c, amazing. Such an awesome experience, sun was pouring down..Our beloved Mother was smiling at all her children and pointing us to her son Jesus.

There was a beautiful lawn with a lovely arch  and  fountain. So we placed Rosa Mystica lady there.. Rosary hand bracelet was made  self with rosary pack given for each along with marian prayer. Ancy crowed Mary and sang 'Mary we crown thee..' 

Preparing rosary bracelets

Some of our  speaker Saum on Sisterhood 

Talk on Mission by Maria Heath

Out in the lawn, peparing for Mary crowning.

  Final moments of commissioned mothers with a lit candle 

     Some of the stalls: handmade  items.

Home in Mess with prep for Beloved

bagging up rosary thread, bead, cross as a family. Family time together.

 With Friends after conference, chilling out. All went well. Than God.

  With my Junior

    Mancunian moms with so much of  joy and gratitude.

       The word of God was truly a blessing and reminder to carry the flame and memories.