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Bible History

Monday 29 May 2023

Celebrating Pentecost

Since Pentecost is the birthday of church, its a special time to cut a birthday cake and also known as Whitsunday in Britain. Reminder of the power of Holy Spirit in our lives.It ranks the great feasts of Christianity.

“It commemorates not only the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and Disciples, but also the fruits and effects of that event: the completion of the work of redemption, the fullness of grace for the Church and its children, and the gift of faith for all nations.”

Whitsun was on 28th May this year 2023 The day after , Whit Monday was a bank holiday up until 1972 and replaced later with Spring Bank Holiday.

This year something very special happened, there was a Whitwalk on Spring bank holiday in Manchester. That was an amazing experience. To walk with different churches in Mcr through heart of city after a beautiful time of worship. Northwest walk was accompanied by brass bands, choirs, church clergies, parades of different churches with their massive banner stretched by ribbons in different ankles. Anglo saxon word Whit means understanding and people wear white  garment reminding baptism. So encouraging to be part of parade. Me, Jobychaya, Theresu and Geo did the walk, others ar home prepping for exams.

Some of the activities done on this day. Reminding of the gifts of the Holy spirit we made Dove craft, can also  make windsock or make some birthday headband. Cupcakes instead of birthday cake to celebrate birthday.

Also got an opportunity to minister to children on this very special feast.

    Dovecraft, ideas from catholic icing.

There is a beautiful and ancient custom of  dropping rose petals through the opening at the top of  the dome in some places. The petals fall to the crowds below, reminiscent of the coming  of the Holy Spirit like tongues of flame.

The vigil of pentecost is the conclusion of Eastertide in a profound way. Also its a time to say Holy spirit prayer...'Come Holy Spirit enkindle in us the fire of your love...' 

Blogpost from past years. Beautiful craft ideas here.

     I hope you had a blessed day.

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