Curriculum plans

Bible History

Sunday 14 May 2023

Mary Crowning - On Feast of Our Lady of Fàtima

Month of May is traditionally dedicated to Mary the mother of Christ. May brings new life and vigour to nature itsef, full of blooms everywhere marking onset of summer.

The angel  too honour Lady, when angel greets her with words of praises and this practise trace back to 700 years.

So many things can be done this month as a family.

Praying Rosary

May Altar

May Crowning

Mary Garden


Mary Crowning: Crowning is very popular in Britain, placing a wreath on her head, carrying Marian statue and process with songs. One of the famous song is O Mary we crown thee...In olden time brides lay their wedding boquets at feet of Mary to bless their marriage.

This year 2023 , we had three opportunities to crown, one in beloved , moms conference, another on The feast of Fàtima there was children's group as part of mancunian jy. Children sang, one boy who received First Holy communion recently crowned Mary and finally in our home, Our Lady .

Following that there was a feast day cake to celebrate the day. Kids enacted the story of Fàtima.

The below beautiful Fàtima prayer was reminded to pray again on the day and for souls.

    During beloved

     In our Home by Geo who is preparing for his First Holy Communion next month.

Mary Garden: Another beautiful thing is making a beautiful scented garden aroung Mary in outdoors. So many beautiful flowers are connected to Mary. For eg; Rose, Calendula, Lilly, English daisy , Marigold and so on.

     O Mary who conceived without Original Sin, Pray for us.

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