Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 29 September 2022


Michaelmass is the feast of Archangels.  It falls on autumnt equinox and days are getting darkened in northern hemisphere. Also it marks the end of harvest. Time to put away summer clothes and pull out winter clothes . Michaelmas marks the season when we feel the impulse to turn inward after long summer and gather strength and fortitude for the cooler days and long nights ahead.

  It is feast of Mich at home. We had our feast routine to wish with fav food or gift. Mich is fond of fruits and he was given fruity bed snack.

  Planned to do scavenger  hunt. However kids were fully engaged into machtax.  Read the stories of Archangels:  St Michael, St Rachel and St Gabriel...protector, messenger and healer.

Had scones with cream and blue berries . After this day, it says blackberries get bitter and not good to eat.

     Archangels protect us. Ora pro nobis

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