Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 29 September 2022

Art of Connection - Scandinàvian countries

Since new acadèmic year 2022, Art of Connection is peeking at Scandinavian countries.  

   The land where people deemed to be happy in the world- not like people living close by beach. Instead those most enjoy life.

Scandinavia is in the Northern Europe consists of Norway, Denmark, Sweden and sometimes also Finland, Ireland...The land is so wonderful with beautuful landscapes and people enjoy outdoors. They enjoy life and work hard when they are work

 Some of the artists that learnt.

Geo is researching into the life Football player Peter Schmeichel.

Peter Schmeichel  was born  on 18 November 1963, (58 year old). He is a Danish former professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper. He was born in Denmark. One of the greatest goalkeepers of all-time. Played in Manchester united.

Theresu is focusing on grand chess master Magnus Carsyl from Denmark. Now most at home are crazy into chess since Geo started his chess journey from last year. Going to club to play. Appreciation time for the last year by coach Chris.

Last week was into dutch arts. Some of the portraits done yesterday and kids thoroughly enjoyed .....last one before the trip.

   Charlotte Mason poetry time 

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