Curriculum plans

Bible History

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Merseybank Litter picking

Merseybank is coming up with new projects with the initiative of Matua our neighbour.  Children along we  headed to our fields to gather things fornlutter pick. We went to Chorlton river banks and picked litter with picker.Started dribbling, did as best as we can. Geo , Theresu enjoyed the job. 

Clearing up the little pond full of empty can and plastic bottles.

Geo enjoyed the litter picking 

Happy with their reward - received sticker in the end

Aascension of the Lord

Today is the Feast of Ascension. 40 days after Easter, as the disciples were around, Lord said to disciples promising the coming of Holy Spirit. 'Go and preach the good news to the whole world?'. 

      I always enjoying doing craft with children. Ascension craft is a beautiful one to do for today.

Theresu writing the words- As they were looking at Him, he was gone into heaven

 The final craft ready and hung on our lounge

Since the reminder of Lord's  ascension, scones were made and ate with puffy cream reminded of Him going into  clouds.

     This can be a day to climb hills or good for hiking. In fact the day started raining so we dropped the plan for the day. However the next day we went to Mottram to climb hills. This was a beautiful place along side of stable- lot and lots of horses around.  Clambered up the place, I stopped in the middle, kids gone all the way up out with Jochaya. It was a great experience. 

Relaxing in the middle of journey.

        Happy feast of Ascension

Thursday 13 May 2021

Beautiful dawn

The dawn was so beautiful today as I went to the beautiful woods for a walk. So lively and unbelievable, the walk was so great, waffed into my face the fresh beams of air and breeze. Thought to breathe in and out to expand my lungs. As I plodded across the chorlton water with a dip down to the water; the view was so refreshing and relaxing. Thanked God for Hiss marvellous creation, beauty around with vast  water with lots of swan , little ducklings surrounded by their mums. Since it is the month of May,  carpets of blue bells reminded of Mary month, along with dandelion flowers, buttercup and so many others. 

 Took a leap around the lake, amazing chirping and cooing of variety of birds from mini birds to medium sized . I felt they are praising the creator with their shrill, soft and bumpy sounds along with the  gushing water in the middle of the river,  definitely gave a morning thrill to forget the hustles of the day . I threw all worries in the rushing gallop of water, dipped all sorrows into Him and asked to fill me more with His abundant mercy and goodness for the day.

Monday 10 May 2021

Month of May with Mary

Children had an opportunity this year in our parish to do May crowning. Now our garden getting cleared from clutters, chopping a tree and getting ready to plant some Mary flowers- Marigold and so on. 

 Every year on May , I hope to have a Mary  for our garden * although mini statue is in our garden, or to finish off writing an article probably a book published about Month of May and Mary in near future.. Perhaps I give to Lord for the right time. Trying my best at this covid time..  I am always reminded of home at this time around, used to attend chapel for devotionals during the month.  Always some prayer favors received this month of Mary our heavenly mother through her intercession. 

     Lots of flowers are on Marian names - marigold, rosemary herb, thistle, rosesand so on. Getting our Mary garden ready .
  Decluttering and planting marigold.

Outdoor in a wet day

Just went to woods for a mini walk. Jobycha was on nights, kids need fresh air and me of course need a break. So thought of getting out house to wslk in the river side. Started drizzling and took shelter under a tree reminding the good old rainy days. 

Rain getting heavier and under the shade.Kids enjoying rain!!!!.

Wedding Anniversary - Journey of 17 years

Another year together.  Thank God for each year as He brings us closer. It was a blessed day with kids around. Seeing kids growing up, getting to their adolescence and taking responsibilities, entertained us with  breakfast at bed. Munnu made a beautiful card for Annu n Theresu too , with little dainties to snack on.

  Little Geo' s card along with Munnu's card

 There was a special Mass for us and back home dropping big kiddos to their exam centre for Chemistry GCSE exam. Towards the eve, once all back home. We cut cake ( red velvet without any decors ) and had food together. Thank God for another year together with my beloved. 


Wednesday 5 May 2021

Planting tree for community

It was first of May , the feast of St Joseph the worker. There was a campaign to plant trees going on in Mersey bank community. Why not make use of the opportunity to plant some fruit trees ? So put down the names by Jobycha  Theresu n Geo came with us, dug and planted walnut tree. That was a bit hard work from what I thought of. However kids enjoyed digging and planting.  

   Tree planted as part of Merseybank campaign and kids were proud.