Curriculum plans

Bible History

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Aascension of the Lord

Today is the Feast of Ascension. 40 days after Easter, as the disciples were around, Lord said to disciples promising the coming of Holy Spirit. 'Go and preach the good news to the whole world?'. 

      I always enjoying doing craft with children. Ascension craft is a beautiful one to do for today.

Theresu writing the words- As they were looking at Him, he was gone into heaven

 The final craft ready and hung on our lounge

Since the reminder of Lord's  ascension, scones were made and ate with puffy cream reminded of Him going into  clouds.

     This can be a day to climb hills or good for hiking. In fact the day started raining so we dropped the plan for the day. However the next day we went to Mottram to climb hills. This was a beautiful place along side of stable- lot and lots of horses around.  Clambered up the place, I stopped in the middle, kids gone all the way up out with Jochaya. It was a great experience. 

Relaxing in the middle of journey.

        Happy feast of Ascension

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