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Bible History

Monday 10 May 2021

Month of May with Mary

Children had an opportunity this year in our parish to do May crowning. Now our garden getting cleared from clutters, chopping a tree and getting ready to plant some Mary flowers- Marigold and so on. 

 Every year on May , I hope to have a Mary  for our garden * although mini statue is in our garden, or to finish off writing an article probably a book published about Month of May and Mary in near future.. Perhaps I give to Lord for the right time. Trying my best at this covid time..  I am always reminded of home at this time around, used to attend chapel for devotionals during the month.  Always some prayer favors received this month of Mary our heavenly mother through her intercession. 

     Lots of flowers are on Marian names - marigold, rosemary herb, thistle, rosesand so on. Getting our Mary garden ready .
  Decluttering and planting marigold.

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