Curriculum plans

Bible History

Tuesday 29 May 2018

May crowning

Since it is the month of May and Mary, when many flowers bloom on this very special month.There is a tradition of honouring Our Lady with crown. Children can be dressed up in their best clothes/ white and placing flowers or petals at her feet and one of them can place the crown.

This was done at our home with other JY children. Kids said rosary, retold story, coloring page and prapared the crown by decorating with some paper flowers. Tables were decorated with cupcakes with M for Mary and some Masala dosas.Then  children had a small procession inside house /(initial plan was to do procession outside which got changed due to rain) by bringing flowers and singing  the song..'' O.Mary we crown you with blossoms today.... Also I am in the process of decorating a Mary garden with flowers, stones, mini pond and looking for a statue of Mary.

Monday 21 May 2018

Feast Of Pentecost.

It was the feast of pentecost which falls fifty days after Easter which reminds coming of Holyspirit upon disciples and Mother Mary.

Yesterday we had recommitment ceremony and time of pentecost celebration in JY centre, Sheffield. It was a blessed day .It is the birthday of church. There are many symbols of Holy spirit. Cake was decorated using different types of candles represents church, middle one reminds Jesus and 13 small candles represent disciples and Our Lady.Around it is 7 gifts and 12 fruits of Holy Spirit.

Red is the color of pentecost which reminds the tongues of flames over the apostles. Many wore white dress on this day reminds of the baptism. For children, there was a mini catechism and all of them had a brilliant time of play, time of adoration and Holy Mass.

Veni Creator Spiritus...Come Holy Spirit.

Saturday 12 May 2018


March for life in London was a great witness for life. Children and Jochayan attended the event, procession and carrying the placard with' Every life is precious'.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Nature Explorers

Hoping to get out with our nature detective bags for a scavenger hunt and bird watching. Theresu and Geo on their bikes super fast with their bags gathering flowers for pressing, had lots of learning. Two great explorers on their way. Collected lots of daisies, dandelions and so on.

In Carrs

Carrs is a beautiful location for children to have lots of fun in water, play different ball games  and park . It was great fun to play in the water and all got soaked, sunny bank holiday Monday on 7th May.

Theresu is so crazy to dive into water and I have to let go and walk in the freezing cold water on a sunny and bright day. One of the beautiful days children really enjoyed and cherish forever.

Geo is making ripples and splish , splash.


It was a great chance to go for Go Fest North which happened in April. It was pretty much indoor games in sports city. This was a golden opportunity for children to take part in football, volleyball, squash, fencing, hula hupping and so on..

Wedding Anniversary

It was our 14th wedding Anniversary and thank Lord for all these years of love, joy, sorrows, minor conflicts and bonding , with my  wonderful Jobychayan. Vidya decorated the cake and cut it with Thomas family and Ani gifted us with St Joseph statue.

Continent study-Asia

This term we thought to do something about Asia as part of continent study. Lot of wonderful works are done by children. There were lot of countries kids started working on which seems to be packed with plenty of information. Anu was doing Nepal, Munnu on Japan, Theresu on India and myself and geo on Iraq. Thomas family presented on countries like Japan, India, Syria and China which was absolutely stunning. Even kids dressed up, enacted and prepared meals connected to that country.

Iraq is a beautiful country which is known as cradle of civilization and it was linked to the one of the earliest civilisation Sumerians. Lego model was built to depict Ziggurats the olden temple of Sumerians, another thing was the many Gulf wars which Iraq was mainly connected which is shown with tanks next to soldiers with some palms which is one of the produce of Iraq.