Curriculum plans

Bible History

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Continent study-Asia

This term we thought to do something about Asia as part of continent study. Lot of wonderful works are done by children. There were lot of countries kids started working on which seems to be packed with plenty of information. Anu was doing Nepal, Munnu on Japan, Theresu on India and myself and geo on Iraq. Thomas family presented on countries like Japan, India, Syria and China which was absolutely stunning. Even kids dressed up, enacted and prepared meals connected to that country.

Iraq is a beautiful country which is known as cradle of civilization and it was linked to the one of the earliest civilisation Sumerians. Lego model was built to depict Ziggurats the olden temple of Sumerians, another thing was the many Gulf wars which Iraq was mainly connected which is shown with tanks next to soldiers with some palms which is one of the produce of Iraq.

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