Curriculum plans

Bible History

Monday 21 May 2018

Feast Of Pentecost.

It was the feast of pentecost which falls fifty days after Easter which reminds coming of Holyspirit upon disciples and Mother Mary.

Yesterday we had recommitment ceremony and time of pentecost celebration in JY centre, Sheffield. It was a blessed day .It is the birthday of church. There are many symbols of Holy spirit. Cake was decorated using different types of candles represents church, middle one reminds Jesus and 13 small candles represent disciples and Our Lady.Around it is 7 gifts and 12 fruits of Holy Spirit.

Red is the color of pentecost which reminds the tongues of flames over the apostles. Many wore white dress on this day reminds of the baptism. For children, there was a mini catechism and all of them had a brilliant time of play, time of adoration and Holy Mass.

Veni Creator Spiritus...Come Holy Spirit.

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