Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 30 December 2016


'The word was made flesh. At the heart of our Christmas celebration lies the mystery of the incarnation. It is not just the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem which is commemorated, nor the events, it is rather the mystery of God became man.

We had a wonderful Christmas eve and day with Thomas family. Christmas vigil was attended and the children could serve as altar servers. Ani and family reached in the night and then on Christmas day children prepared the table with Christingle , crackers and Christ candle.

Cupcakes and cakes by Vidya and Vibha

 Since for the first time I took a risk to make mince pies and fruit cakes. Some of the special menus were pig in a blanket, red braised cabbage, Christmas punch, roast etc.


Children unwrapped their Christmas gifts and following meal , just went for a stroll with both families to visit some of our neighbours and gave cards and gifts. It was great .

This time of Christmas children were preparing Babushka a nativity play which is a Russian legend. After lunch, play performed with the costumes and did carol songs too.

                MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL

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