Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 30 December 2016


As part of advent, this year as a family tradition we have been using advent wreath with candles and children were taking turns fairly to light the candles.

We had our advent calendar and children could do some sort of actions to prepare themselves to receive Lord.

Since 'advent' means waiting /coming, Jesse tree was made to remind the word'' Jesus comes from the branch of Jesse' and children used various colorings and hang it on the branchess sta rting from bottom beginning with creation. Some of the ornaments were stuck onto gold coins so that children can have some fun too.

Children were given some doodling christmas coloring book with envelopes and it was an adventourous activity since it got lots to color. Many cards were sent to their grandparents too.

During the feast of St Nicholas , children were given some gifts along with gold coins with a letter guiding them how to lead to Christmas. 

We began the 'O Antiphons'  on 17th Dec, with a small reflection  with childtren going through various titles beginning with 'Sepentia', 'Adonai', 'root of Jesse', 'rising sun', key of David, Emmanuel  and it comes together 'EROCRAS'.

Another nice thing was advent basket with wrapped christmas books which was a great fun for Theresu to open and read along with Georgu.

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