Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 23 May 2024

Happy Birthday - Feast of Pentecost

 Pentecost is the feast day we remember the descension of Holy spirit upon disciples- the sporit that Chrudt promised them..

  The name Pentecost means 50 days after. In other name  Whitsun, is English and means the white garments worn by those who had baptised and confirmed on this day. Also in Europe with the blooming of Hawthorn, lilac at this time , all resonates a white  which is the theme of white Sunday- dove the symbol of Spirit.

     Cookie dough ready to slice

At home, gazebo is ready for kids to come and fun n craft together.

Kids together making headband to celebrate the birthday of the Church. It was such a glorious day in Pentasaph along with jy recommittment ceremony.

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