Curriculum plans

Bible History

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Advent 2023

Advent marks the four weeks before Christmas. It is traditionally a season of penance and prep before Christmas. Liturgical colour is purple. Advent reminds us the coming of the Lord- one is birth of the Lord in the past, his coming in the Eucharist in the present times and second coming for the final judgement.

Some of the traditions we followed over the years- begin with Stir Sunday- making advent wreath, Advent book baskets, Advent calendars, Jesse tree, Advent on.

Jesse tree is on its way to begin. Just assembled a branch using willows from our art club. Jesse tree reminds us 'the birth of Lord from the lineage of David'

   Advent books to read- Some of the books from the previous years.

 Stir up Sunday
First Sunday of Advent  when everone stir up the Christmas cakes or puddings.

   Feast of St Nicholas- It is fun to celebrate the Feast of St Nicholas by introducing his life to the children and have some fillers for kids in the stockings and their shoes.  I encourage them to personally do some good deeds. On that day we had special guests at home.

On Feast of Emmaculate Conception

We tried to attend Carol service held in St Ambrose  Church Chorlton, many schóols around Manchester participated.

   It was Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Got to read and listen the beautiful Apparition of Our Lady to St Juan in Mexico. The beauty and sturdiness of tilma is so fascinating and beyond scientific explanation. I tried to make Taco salad and kiddos learnt about aztecs and Mexico. It was a great day.

Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for us. Also praying for unborn children. 

Past years from archives

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