Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 28 July 2023

In Spain

We crossed the borders of France to Spain. Welcome sign to espaniol is evident. A bit different from France as they dont mention any Motor ways, less rest areas than France.

We reached Burgosa in France ...stopped there for a night on the way to Segovia. Nearly took 8 hours excluding breaks from there.

There are so many routes you can pick from France to Spain. We took through west, which is interior hopping through Burgos, Segovia to Avila.

Spain is one of the best destination people looking for. People been drawn to vines or to a sunny destination.

There are so many places sign posted on the roads. So famous for cathedrals too.

St Sebastain-

We are not going to highlights or hot spots of Spain . I was chuntering to my hubby for a long time to move to a hot country, perhaps somewhere in Europe. One of the place I was looking for was Spain. Kids are learning Spanish with  a tutor and I adore Spain too.

Some of the common Spanish usuages

Ola : hi
Bonas Dieus: Good morning.
Gracias; Thank you
POR FAVOR: please.
Leche: milk
Como est as? How are you.

I would like to 
Basking in sun
So hot in here by eve, everyone basking under sun, under umbrellas.

St John of Cross: As mentioned above, the relics of Saint John of the Cross are one of the highlights of the Monastery church. The church contains his very elaborate tomb.  You will also find several interesting relics such as an original handwritten letter.

Segovia Cathedrals

One of the second best cathedral in Spain with gothus art from 12tj century I suppose. Full of art works and costlier paintings depicting the differents events from gospel. So epic..we shouldnt muss it. You could pay 6 euro and go to dones with guides to get a stunning site of city.

  Carmel convent- Displaced Carmelites

Her birth house and bed room

Segovia is very famous for aqueducts frlm Roman times.


Foods : I woukd live to enjoy Spanish cuisine paella, Choriza, churios, tortillas..


St Therese Avila

  St Theres's burth place and her bed room

St John's Cross is a wonderful 

   Children having some fun times. Settled well on our long journey.

Bye bye spain


1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Enjoy Dear Mundackals His providence for there is no recession in His kingdom only Abundance 😊
