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Bible History

Friday 30 June 2023

Medjugorje - A Journey of Blessings, Road trip Itinerary.

Day 1 Here we are:
Such a tremendous joy to  a place of calm and peae which we were hoping to go for such a long long time moreover a place of Marian presence everywhere . Our Lady always ask us to look upto Jesus. Our journey started on June 29th from Manchester at 3.10 am. Got an early start all has to get up around 2.30 morning...From there to Liverpool Airport in our car to fly to Zadar Airport in Croatia. Nearly spent 2.15 minutes in the Ryanair. We were scattered in different places, however it was a nice trip with many holiday travellers. 

How to get to Medugorje 
There are three options. Rent a car from One of the airports, Zadar, Split or Dubrovnik,Or rent a taxi or book with a coach/ group.

Something I found about homeopathy in Liverpool Airport as I am a homeopath. 

In the flight to Zadar.

Landed in Zadar with lot of holiday makers...Its a different vibe from usual holidays with no food, descent air crew. You could see joy in the hearts of many passengers looking at bright sunny spells in Croatia which is quite different from England.

 Next step was to find car hire agency.  So many were there. Prebooked car,  got our Ford ready and checked everything. Now onto Medjgourji in Bosnia, need to  pass through and  cross borders.

  The journey was bit tricky as driving is on left hand side. Journey took sometime and had a break in between for foodies. But the land is beauful, white stone mountains, empty
Some parts of the trip are very scenic. Driving seems to be easy as  roads are not busy and no one seems to be in a hurry. Renting a car is the best option I think. All done by my husband Jo..

Our stay is in Casa Verde (sobe) 300 metres, away from church which we booked through It was a large room with 5 Beds and extra, kitchen , toilet and nice balcony.  Nice House owner Ivana who can communicate in English very well , very sensitive and kind. Very accessible and super location for anyone to stay.

Map of special places in Medjugorje 

Day 2: 
Today listened to 5 stones, as we are encouraged to fast on bread and water. Dropped into Mary Meals office, all their stories and journals displayed and shown to us. They provided and encouraged to have bread and water on Friday.  This is a beautiful charity internationally and feed children. Originated in Scotland and known as Craig Lodge. Founder is their son Magnus. By eve, we as a family went up for climbing 

Cross Mountains. Such a mammoth challenge for us.This cross mountains was set up on 1900 years of Christ birth . Has to climb for 2.5 miles up, but still kept going though some of us were terribly nakkard climbing up.  Reaching top took 2 hours and on  top was the cross, such a fantastic experience.  Coming down was a fearful ,bonding and prayerful experience as it gone totally dark.

Doing stations of the cross on the way up

Day 3

It was a rainy day though it got cleared by lunch. Anthraper family joined with us. Visited Weeping Cross in between. Built by a Slovekuan artist   After so many years, Italian pilgrim noted a trickling of tears coming from the right knee. People pray there, soak clothes or rosaries.   Artist says it is Christ weeping for our sins. So many scientific evaluations being done. But people get touched and healed.

Day 4

After Holy Mass we climbed up Appartition Hill.
There is Apparition Hill 1.5 miles up which I personally found  more ease to go up since we tried Cross Mountain first.  Cross Mountain spot is 2.5 miles away and got to walk s bit to climb up. On the way was Blue Mountain infact a small one .

The lady standing on a beautiful Hill  top and  watching people ♥ praying and watching on her was amazing with clear blue sky..This is the Hill top where first apparitions to the children happened and still continues.
Day 5
Today is the day to visit Kravice National Park, epic waterfalls and most of us soaked in water and had a brilliant time. Today we had reconciliation. Plenty of priest's around one side of church to give confession. Got an English priest to confess.

Day 6

Saying bye bye to the very special place was hard . I had a spinning of head in the morning and really got scared. But later Anna from other family also had fainting experience. So we decided to stop instead of visiting Mostar. I truly believe that was a sign from above. I never ever felt like this before and after too.
 Thank God there was such a highlight at 8pm, Adoration with more than 10 , 000 of crowds adoring the Lord, very gently with hymns and prayers. Such an amazing experience to me and I noticed many are on the knees for a whole 1 hour.

Day 7

Our journey ended saying au revoir each other. Such a joyful experience with the Lord under Our Lady's presence all around. I hope everyone make use of this place and have a fab experience. We are off to Croatia for another night to stay and enjoy beautiful Croatia.

      Au Revoir Croatia

     Our Lady Queen of Peace  for us.

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