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Bible History

Monday 19 June 2023

Footie - Chess combi Birthday -8th

It was my little Georgu's  8th birthday and Father's day on same day. Maybe its great day as Geo is looking upto his dad for many things. As usual, he was showered with homemade cards, bed breakfast with his favourite chocolate pancakes and chocolate drink and wishes.

        Card prepared by Mike 

Card by  Theresu 

    My instant card 

 He had a fab day prior to his bday. Invited some of his close mates for a footie play happening with fletcher Moss club, following that in Mac and parish priest offered H Mass for his other friend with same name George also.

Fun time with his friends after footie.

By eve He was given a treat from his friend, so he went to Leogoland with other George, 

In the eve was the party of our little niece's First Holy communion and met relatives from far and wide. A memorable, lovely day with big family.

  So on his proper birthday, Annu baked and decorated cake, Theresu assisted with fondants. This time Geo's desire to combine football with chess as he is passionate about both. So Annu fulfilled his wish, a coffee cake with football pitch and players with chess heads and feet. It turned up awesome. 

Towards late eve, some of our cousins turned up to celebrate the day, some from Australia who visiting their brother.

Uncle Jobby receiving slice.

      Together as a family. 
     Thank you Lord for the blessing of Geo in our lives.

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