Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 23 February 2023

Our Lenten Journey

As the lenten season began with Ash Wednesday, so we made some plans for the upcoming weeks of prayers, fasting and alms giving.

This time, journey commenced with a children's retreat in Darlington. That was a great opportunity for us as a family to share good news to fifty kids there. 

   Preparing a Jelly  bean Jar for Good deeds with lot of diferent colour codes for sacrifices, kind deeds, saying Sorry, extra prayers.

   Shrove Tuesday

  After our journey to far North, I totally Forgot the pancake day. Geo curiosly reminded me ..isnt it today  Pancake Tuesday?. No berries to garnish. But it was nice.
  Ash Wednesday- Hashtag
   Reminds the special day of fasting and observances. 'Repent and Believe in the Gospel'.

Other Lenten preps at home:

Lenten Calendar

Different  activies for prayers, fasting and alms giving can bé picked and reminded to follow. Everyday the family rosary is offered for some cause
Activity Booklet and Lenten books

Jelly bean Jar

Red beans for sacrifice, green for Good deeds, purple is for forgiving , Pink for saying Sorry to those you hurt. On Easter day parents can fill remaining space with white beans indicating all the graces we received from God  and cannot be gained  by us.

Stations of the cross

  We adore thee O Christ and we bless thee. Because by your Holy Cross you Have redeemed the world.

Station of the Cross is a fun and memorable way , for children and with diferent groups during the lenten season. Such a beautiful way, over the years we used as a family , illustrated diferent stations and prayers. So many beautiful ideas in various blogs of catholic homeschoolers. I am so thrilled to find so many resources again to make station of cross for this year... 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Catholic icing has a pretty idea of making burlap bunting of the Stations of the cross. I would love to make one for the altar with my children these days. 

Making station of the cross blocks sound interesting and ideas here in sparkle and sprinkles blog.

         Making stations of cross grotto

Memories from archives 2022, 2021, 2016

    Have a blessed Lenten Journey

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