Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 26 January 2023

Tudor House- Ordsall Hall

Ordsall Hall is a brilliant opportunity for a real experience of how Tudor lives were. Grand chamber, kitchen, Great hall, coat of arms all shows the story that take us back to 700 years.

Great Hall
Built by Sir Slexander Raddycliffe and it was built out of timber. Banquet is served. Children enacted as tudors dressed up in various tunics and hats. They dined with fake meat,breads, pies and enjoyed thoroughly.

Some of the reading glass from the time.

It was interesting to know different tudor kings - Henry 6, Henry 7, Edaward , Mary  and Elizabeth and great men like Shakespeare, 

Great chamber is one of the oldest wing and were ladies space for relaxation and rest. Below is the bath tub from tudor period.

A few items in the kitchen is rotating spit, herbs and various menus of the day.

Menus were of different level for rich and average men. Tudor houses were of back and white shade...Rich people had lavish meals with meat and varieties. Their life style, garments displayed how much money they can afford for food and clothings. Children tried to put bumroll and dressed up in the tunics.

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