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Friday 2 September 2022

Jesus Youth 22

From 26th August till 29th was the Jesus Youth UK 22 Conference. The essence of the conference was "Extend the boundaries"...Lots to take in from four days. Different streams and different teams worked through and pulled through as a team...Many new faces were met and seeing family together after a huge gap stirred up my heart. Resources were so inspiring and challenging...Adoration time was so enchanting and anointing ; silent moments of healing and nourishment.

Mothers hour was superb. Alison cotton who is mother of ten encouraged to strengthen our inner self to enlarge the tent. Workshop run by moms was so touching and encouraging for many... So many insights from Ed Sri , Manoj Sunny. Local speakers on homeless mission and pro life by Amie also stirred many hearts.
    Introducing mothers Upcoming conference 2023 Behold..

Inagural  Holy Mass 

Snippets from Preteens stream run by Irish team.
So many activity stations were there with so many learnings; God's love is Monumental.

Audio visual and music teams glorifying Him. Music festival was brilliant, outside in the lawn till 12 midnight with dance, music, lights , cheer ups and popcorns...

Those teens and Youth who went for Uganda Mission, sharing their enriching experience.

Final day culmination with Br Chris , Bishop, Fr Binu and so on..

Carrying the theme of 'Extending the tents' and let us ask Him to give grace to stretch ourselves and May His Love overflow through us into many.

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