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Friday 12 August 2022

Myriad Journeys

Past week has been a significant week in our life.  Annu is away on a mission trip to Uganda for 2 weeks with JY UK . Theresu is away on a summer camp with FSSP . Mich was with his friend and Geo  with us. 

      Beginning  of Ugandan journey.

    In Uganda

Back from Uganda, In Birmingham airport

In FSSP girls summer  camp, we met one of our former homeschooler and now a seminarian.

     Together with Thomas and Anthraper  family we went for a stroll and in Malvern hills next day. The journey was quite good on the Feast of transformation . Transfiguration foretells the glory of the Lord as God. A beautiful day for a hiking as trsnsformation take place on a high mountain. Climbed hills one after the other, big children  with Jobycha climbed the next one. 

Malvern hills stand tall on border of Worcestshire and  with fantàstic views of open  hillitops and wooded slopes . You could see cyclists on the briddleways of the hills. There are some challenging climbs with spectacular views.

  On the highest point

  Boys finding time to chat amidst climbing and relaxing

Visited some of our friends and had meal together. Out to visit a sailing club.

  It was daddy's 75th birthday too this week,  many gathered at home and wished him a good health. Another beautiful journey of 75 years.

    Thank good Lord for all little journeys we could make this year away from Covid years.

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