Curriculum plans

Bible History

Saturday 7 May 2022


Art of connection is learning Scots this month .Beautiful lands, valleys, bushes, locks and mountains. A trip to Scotland is always worth for you body, mind and spirit which is so relaxing and heavenly feeling. Though I may not travelled far up highlands. 

Children all researched a lot and gathered up with their works. Many have their parents have Scottish lineage.

Practised some country dance and was great ..

Looked at different cities in Scotland and identified the numbered places.

The special food is Haggis made out of sausage and wrapped in sheep skin. I tried to bake some short bread for the first time and turned up good.
Cup cakes by other homeschooling mother.

Some of the works done at home in preparation .
Thistle the Scottish nationsl flower, geo painted a Scottgsh flag consists of satire on a blue background. St Sndrew is the patron saint, who himself got denied to be martyred on the cross like Jesus. That's why he was died on cross diagonal shape. Explored kilt, bagpipes, Scottish animals, famous Scottish people like R.L.Stevenson, James Watt and so on.

Some snaps is the reminder of our Scottish trips in one of the boat trips in loch.

  Final work of Geo

   Theresu on her hunt and she water coloured beautiful thistle and someone also got painting skills at home.
Looked at Bun's day and at tea time we all recite Gaelic poems in Charlotte Mason style as usual..  Table all set and ready to go.

Following that many of Scottish paintings were displayed and did have art appreciation of different paintings .

It was a great learning for me and children. I look forward to visit Scotland  in near future..Some of the Scottish words learnt, unfortunately I cant hold those in my memory but it's so sweet to hear it...I remember only whish for shh for silence as often used in the homeed group.

Reminiscense of Scotland trip a few years back with friends.

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