Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 19 May 2022

Walk in the Valley- Summer brief

Summer heat has started hitting again. Hoping to get bathed in sun. Took some time out in woods and enjoyed cool breaks with ice creams although big kidos missed out due to board exams.

Geo had his tooth out as well
   Another warm sunny day , finished exams for a few weeks. Out in the valley and the brook, enjoying soaking in stream and skimming. Some just relaxed away from water and some inside  water. 

 Past week  was Mersey Fest and had some events of bouldering, circus, skating and so on. I realised the winner of Mersey Fest wordsearch was me and got 50 pounds Amazon gift cards, so exciting for me. Bought a good book which I was longing to purchase.
  Water colour paintings on the day. Enjoyed  colouring  lighthouse after our Scottish culture learning about famous Scots in the history- Robert Burns who is called Rabbi Burns, Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Watson Watt...James Watt..

   By Geo
Theresu enjoys painting and doing her beach shading.

On Sunday, it was Students gathering and helped bit in sharing our experience on mission.

Mersey Fest

It has been a great blessing in Merseybank, a week celebration to bring people in communities together.  Den is doing a few days action to share and pray together. 

Kids had some time in bouldering, circus and other stuffs.

Wedding Anniversary

Thank God for all the last 18 years. Still getting huge waves tossing our boat at times. But with His total grace, we could come back. I truly appreciate and admire great people in my life, one person is my hubby only. Always source of encouragement, inspiration and openness to share without any harsh judgements, letting me fly higher and higher...

Saturday 7 May 2022


Art of connection is learning Scots this month .Beautiful lands, valleys, bushes, locks and mountains. A trip to Scotland is always worth for you body, mind and spirit which is so relaxing and heavenly feeling. Though I may not travelled far up highlands. 

Children all researched a lot and gathered up with their works. Many have their parents have Scottish lineage.

Practised some country dance and was great ..

Looked at different cities in Scotland and identified the numbered places.

The special food is Haggis made out of sausage and wrapped in sheep skin. I tried to bake some short bread for the first time and turned up good.
Cup cakes by other homeschooling mother.

Some of the works done at home in preparation .
Thistle the Scottish nationsl flower, geo painted a Scottgsh flag consists of satire on a blue background. St Sndrew is the patron saint, who himself got denied to be martyred on the cross like Jesus. That's why he was died on cross diagonal shape. Explored kilt, bagpipes, Scottish animals, famous Scottish people like R.L.Stevenson, James Watt and so on.

Some snaps is the reminder of our Scottish trips in one of the boat trips in loch.

  Final work of Geo

   Theresu on her hunt and she water coloured beautiful thistle and someone also got painting skills at home.
Looked at Bun's day and at tea time we all recite Gaelic poems in Charlotte Mason style as usual..  Table all set and ready to go.

Following that many of Scottish paintings were displayed and did have art appreciation of different paintings .

It was a great learning for me and children. I look forward to visit Scotland  in near future..Some of the Scottish words learnt, unfortunately I cant hold those in my memory but it's so sweet to hear it...I remember only whish for shh for silence as often used in the homeed group.

Reminiscense of Scotland trip a few years back with friends.

Wednesday 4 May 2022

May Day

Its here the month of May and Mary. Reminded of the motherly love for us. I am very fond of May and Mary, my mother always say any prayers during this  month is heard marvellously. Time to look around and see so many blooming flowers, gardening - May flowers and so on.

 Geo had a beautuful opportunity to crown Mary in our church. Usually the boys carry crown and eldest crown it.  Many places in Britain has crowning ceremonies and May crowning involves putting a statue of Mary, singing hymns and placing garland of flowers on her head. This month the shrine can be kept going with fresh flowers.

     Rosa Mystica Lady visited our house too this month and had some miracle happened in my life too. I am blessed ..

        Journey with Rosa Mystica 

Prepared some Banana muffins and it was lovely to pick Marian pilgrim statue to our home after having consecration prayer and hymn of

     " Bring flowers of the rarest
      Bring blossoms the fairest

         Chorus O Mary we crown thee....

Pilgrimage to Nazrath of England- Our Lady of Walsingham. Lady Richeldis was desiring to do great thing for God and people. She had the beautiful experience of taken to Bethlehem, Lady asked her to build replica of it. Though it got ruined during middle ages, shrine was rebuilt and I had a serene time being there . 

Visit to the Russian church there. Such a beautiful iconology and whole shrine surrounded by icons.

Polhrimmage was part of Salford diocese and on reaching shrine. Some reconstruction works going on. But it was a blessed time after covid to thank God for keeping safe and sound during the epidemic.

    Lit candles and prayed for mums who asked for prayers

This month we celebrated our 18th Wedding Anniversary too .

We had a procession in our prayer group on Friday on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima . Children carried Our Lady in turns and had a lovely time reciting Rosary. Following that there was Children' hour and had some learnings along with craft.

     Our Lady pray for us