Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 15 April 2022

Holy Week

Blessed to have another year  to celebrate Holy week. There was a hunt of 30 silver coins, which was hidden in different parts of house as part of Spy Wednesday commemorating the activities of traitor Judas and some money collected were given for the collection to restore  churches in Rome. It was fun for the children to find the coins and explained about denial of Judas and Peter, compared and contrast to the point  of repentance of Peter.

Holy Thursday honours the day Our Lord are His last supper with His disciples. Institution of Holy Eucharist and Priesthood. It is time to pray for those priests we know and others. At the end of mass the Blessed Sacrament will be taken away to Altar of repose and everyone can take turn to watch and praying with the Lord.  The tradition of making Pesaha drink with unleavened appam in remembrance of passover meal is common in our house as Syro Malabar rite . 

Good Friday 

This should be a quiet day and family day. In the morning we were so blessed to watch Passion play near Worcester Cathedral and so wonderful to see the whole play ( nearly took more than an hour and half) with their beautiful performance. Kids all enjoyed talking about Jesus. This was run by special inter church services.

     Audience gathered to watch play
Obviously this time toasted hot cross buns were served for lunch instead of breakfast. Below is the home made hot cross buns from past.

  After the passion service we were back home and kids spent most time doing board games and tried without a television day. It turned out beautiful though Geo wanted it.

Some of Holy Saturday prep for Easter on its way...
Past memòries  of Holy week with home edders.

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