Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 25 June 2021

Visit to Blessed Dominic Barberi's tomb

A thought pop into our head to visit Blessed Dominic Barberi's tomb. This place is in St Helen's, Manchester. Moreover it is Geo's birthday too. Chris colaco and Thomas family was at home. 

Such a beautiful place with full of stories, testimonies , paintings. Dominic Barberi was born on June 22nd 1792. Dominic lost his parents and was adopted by his uncle.  It was Capuchian friars who helped his formal schooling. The initial calling to be a priest and bring light of gospel to foreign nation bloomed in him.

   His desire fulfilled when he made a brief visit to England. As soon as possible Dominic began preaching parish mission in England. 

    It was later Newman heard that Father Dominic would be stopping at Littlemore, he felt that this was external sign he was looking for. He asked Father Dominic to receive into the church. Along with Newman other four received and the great conversion re echoed throughout world.. Masses of thanks giving and Te Deums were sung in churches of Rome, France, Germany , Belgium. It was beginning of second spring.

   Beautiful and blessed time before the tomb of Blessed Barberi.

 Another Holy man and woman from passionist congregation

 Her tomb

Hand written letter.

   Homeschoolers had a chance to perform the play on Blessed Dominic Barberi last year.
It was a blessed time on Our Geo's birthday. Blessed Dominic Barberi pray for us.

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