Curriculum plans

Bible History

Monday 5 April 2021

Easter day in Woods

This year again due to restrictions to not meet indoors.  Finally, made out plan to meet with Thomas family in Cannock chase forest.

   I was not expecting much, however things fell in place smoothly. We began our journey into Woodlands, the walk was so refreshing. A little brook was cutting through the way, most of us cross the stream. Even our little Jokut enjoyed the most. Thank God, the weather was ok. The trip had a break, enjoyed biriyani and homemade brownies.  Kids played a lot, big boys chit chat as we were meeting face to face after a while. Some had sun bath and we moved into another spot to other spot. Parted in the end around 6.30 PM and it was a brilliant Easter feasting and joyful time together.

    Big boys together
   Eldest ones enjoying been together too.

 Little jokut's journey downhill the valley bumping here and there.



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