Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 26 March 2021

Celebrating St Joseph day

This year is dedicated to St Joseph. Beautiful feast of the year, still carries memories from my childhood visiting St Joseph church on the feast, having rice and lentils. The day to remember dads, father figures. Since he is the patron of unmarried girls, universal church and so on...Theresu made a card for dad.

The tradition of making St Joseph altar came as part of thanks giving of Sicilean people from famine in middle ages through the intercession of St Joseph. Another reminder of trinity . Altar is decorated with breads, veggies, carpenter tools which we made out of pastry . Since it is a solemnity we have decorated our altar with homemade pizza, pasta, bread rolls and so on. We gave our parish priest a home made bread too just as a little thanks giving of what he is doing for parishioners. 

Theresu and Georgu cutting saw, clench tools from pastry dough 

Jobycha along with little kids doing chopping woods and helping in our vegetable patch digging , preparing the seeds ready for planting.


          St Joseph pray for us

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