Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 26 March 2021

On the Feast of Annunciation

Today on the Feast of Anunciation, 25th March.
The day in the church calendar in honor of annhnciation- Let it be done unto your will. Reminded of Mary's Yes, became the great Yes to God's divine plan of salvation.

        Interestingly  in Sweden, everyone have waffles on this day and known as Waffles day. It is known as Our Lady's day.
        On the day, as an honour to Mary, we have prepared chocolate waffles in waffle iron , toppled the waffle with cream and strawberries. 

Spring in Orchard

Seasons are changing.  However one of my favourite season is spring. Out in woods, brighter day lights, blooming flowers all around- March especially all colourful yellow daffodils. Absolutely love gazing at daffodils. Daffodils are symbol of renewal and resilience, it grows and regenerate every year from the same bud.

    Our Chorlton orchard is a good place for stroll. Out for a walk with little kids, older ones at home preparing GCSE exams.

Celebrating St Joseph day

This year is dedicated to St Joseph. Beautiful feast of the year, still carries memories from my childhood visiting St Joseph church on the feast, having rice and lentils. The day to remember dads, father figures. Since he is the patron of unmarried girls, universal church and so on...Theresu made a card for dad.

The tradition of making St Joseph altar came as part of thanks giving of Sicilean people from famine in middle ages through the intercession of St Joseph. Another reminder of trinity . Altar is decorated with breads, veggies, carpenter tools which we made out of pastry . Since it is a solemnity we have decorated our altar with homemade pizza, pasta, bread rolls and so on. We gave our parish priest a home made bread too just as a little thanks giving of what he is doing for parishioners. 

Theresu and Georgu cutting saw, clench tools from pastry dough 

Jobycha along with little kids doing chopping woods and helping in our vegetable patch digging , preparing the seeds ready for planting.


          St Joseph pray for us

Wednesday 17 March 2021

St Patrick's Day

Great sunny day today and it is St Patrick's day- March 17th, visited St John's church and was packed with so any Irish people. So lovely to be there and to receive  the blessings of the day.

    It is always amazing to relive in the story of great saint. The young saint who had a deep traumatic experience in childhood, God turned trauma into a grace of conversion . Each bit of his story is enchanting...The great man who lived in the hearts of all Irish. He too was brave, single- minded and absolutely certain that he will be united with his true love..I wish and hope  to strive this journey too.

      Who has not heard of St Patrick's day? Day of wearing green. 

Along with the read aloud, kids favourite cross words and maze was done. The great teaching of Holy trinity through the shamrock leaf..made craft of Holy trinity.

       Irish dance is so beautiful and love to hear and watch the steps. Cant forget watching Irish dance year before when we visited Ireland for Workd family meet. Unforgettable memories of travelling on cruise, visiting some of ttd Orish friend's, going to the meet and on last day was the day Holy father visited the crowd. 

Jochayz with kids trying to learn some steps.

It was a beautiful sunny day and played tennis and other games in playing field.  

Theresu for the first time baked some cupcakes and cakes all alone, hoping to share for our parishioner's anniversary. 

  Green coloured table  ready with roast lunch, rainbow  fruit cocktail, lemon water ..

Just repeatedly listened and learnt St Patrick's breastplate. "Christ at my right hand...

Speaking of his conversion he ssid- ' I was like a young stone  lying in deep mud, but He that is mightly lifted me up and placed me on top of the  wall' 


Monday 15 March 2021

Celebrating Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday is the fourth Sunday in Lenten season. - Laetare Sunday. The opening prayer of H.mass starts with ' Rejoice...'.

   There is a long tradition behind mothering Sunday.  There was a practise of those youngsters working away from home, especially girls were allowed to come home for that day. There is a linked custom of visiting mother church or cathedral along with this tradition in England.

  I ponder my motherhood- call to be a mother. Enjoyed more since away from job and became a full time mother.  Learnt so many amazing things, experienced ,trained..  Lord has used me in so many different ways for my children and others. I reflect on those days , I could help many  other children too in different ministries, teens, preteens, youth and to the extend of child care to some parents at their struggles.

My journey in this call turned colourful once I met so many home educating mums. They are one of my ever so big inspiration in motherhood journey, their giving ups, utilising their talents and time for others, getting out from their comfort zones, doing so many amazing things at home and around..This really altered my perception at looking things as  mother in pursuit of holiness and adventure of love.

Yesterday, daffodils were packed and given to many parishioners and had a joyful time seeing them taking home. 
    Making mini mothering day card and tying bunches with ribbon.

Since this time of epidemics many are carrying the sorrowful or missing memories of their beautiful moms. That pain and longing to meet mum is in my heart too. 

  Theresu made a card for me and gave it to me. Others wished ; Jochayan, Thersu and Geo prepared some cup cakes to distribute to a few mums nearby. 

        Since it is special day, a day to honour heavenly mother too. Travelled to Preston to visit Ladyewell...that was a sweet memory.  Beautiful shrine with sattions of cross , lit candles, drank some holy water and offered prayers for mothers who are extremely struggling at this time of the year. Kids had some time to wander around too. Also we made  a small pilgrimage praying for Annu and Munnu's upcoming igcse exams.

Some caramel slices were made for children.
     I felt like God fulfilled one of my dreams on this day to do something for our neighbourhood eventhough  little, by dropping some daffodils for our neighbourhood mothers.


   ' On Mothering Sunday, above all other,
    Every child should dine with its mother'
     St Margaret Clitheroe pray for us.


Tuesday 9 March 2021

Our Princess turned 16

Thanking God and carrying all the memories of our big Princess Annu. Today she is 16. Being the first parent , was a strange feeling, learning and coping lots. It is the same way our family was born as soon as Annu came into our world. So many joy's, fond memories, hardships, learnings. Such a beautiful thing . 

Day started  with a bed tea which she often make for others birthday, time to return,  French toast and homemade cards from all .

         Mini breakfast for Annu

Attended H. Mass in Salford cathedral church, returned home. It was Jocha's special dish , biriyani for the day. Yummy...after a gap. 
      My hand made card.

    Card by Theresu
As a family, we were out in nearby playing field to play tennis...very quiet out there. Enjoyed day out.

It was my time to bake a chocolate cake ( her favourite)for my Annukutty. We had a blessed day ending with watching a movie and Jobychaya' s biriyani.

Thank God for all the blessings through Annu.