Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 12 February 2021

Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

On February 11 , 1858 , Our Lady appeared to a fourteen year old peasant girl in France. Her name was Bernadette.  In total , Mary appeared to her 18 times over several months.

    Message of Mary was simple " Pray to God for sinners" and "Do penance" bring people closer to God.
Mary revealed to her that She was the Immaculate conception. Bernadette was asked to dig a hole in the ground and spring came out many healing and miracles from above. Many sick got healed. I still remember 10 years back when we visited Lourdes and desire to go again with my little  ones  too ..once covid is over.

 In the morning after H. Mass, children were read the story of Lourdes.Today is the world day for sick and remembered all those affected with different ailments..also prayed for my clients on treatments. 

Tried to do a grotto craft with some stones, glitters, lolly sticks, thick card stock. Attached to it was a beautiful prayer.  There is abeautiful movie to watch as a family..I am sure it is Song of Bernadette. 

   George and Theresu building their grotto.
   Feast often comes with food, prepared a blue berry cake with a little berries suits for Marian feasts. 

     In the evening, children were invited to come together for a mini kids hour to celebrate the feast day  Some of the kids Christo

   ' O Mary who conceived without original sin, pray for those who recourse to you.

      Our Lady of Lourdes Pray for us

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