Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 26 November 2020

Season of Advent

 Advent is the season of waiting, of anticipation- birth of Christ child into our world. It is also a time for the anticipation of Christ's second coming.

As part of the season, a lot of ways  we can celebrate within the family and around esp during the struggle times of pandemic too.

Activities,preparations,charity,songs, play, crafts/making ornaments,following the traditions both at home and out. Season of penance and preparation before Christmas. 

Think ahead advent in two phases; first one is waiting time..Lord is coming. Second phase is from 17th Dcember- O antiphons begin ..or after Gaudatte Sunday..speeds up everything indicating the Lord is near, decors, preparations going fast, things started rolling fast for the Christmas..

Below is the 25 advent activities to do printable which we made after long time.


Jist like our Christmas tree, Jesse tree has beautiful decors. But instead of lights and stars, it has the promises that God made to us and to His people, out of love.The tree is named after Jesse, the father of David. Reminded of Isaiah 11: 1 promise of 'A shoot will  spring forth from the root of Jesse..'. For Jesse tree printables and colouring pages


We begin the advent week with lighting Advent wreath candle just before  family share meal together. The color of the candle is purple and we are reminded of  'HOPE'. You see around with colours of royalty, waiting for the banquet. As you light the candle,you can either say advent wreath prayers of the week or sing the verses of carol all together. Then two for second week and so on. Gaudete is the third Sunday- rose coloured candle is lit and the week of JOY. We could have a foretaste of Christmas fare. The lights on the wreath are symbolic: Christ is our light...'A light to lighten the gentiles..'.Family prayers during advent could be around wreath.

First week readings and everywhere purple reflecting royalty, preparing for banquet. Second week is best man getting ready, listen to readings of St John. Then third week, bride is nearly ready  .


Some of the saints of advent is an extra special days to celebrate on this period leading up to Christmas.

St Nicholas, St Francis Xavier, St Lucy , Feast of Immaculate conception are some among it to make special. Links to the feasts are provided in the above printable


Some of the books for advent basket;

Waiting for Christmas

Christmas fairy

The legend of St Nicholas

The Attic saint 

A wish to be Christmas tree 

The bears Christmas surprise

Lucua- Saint of Light

Bambinelli Sunday

Hannah's Christmas. 

The Christmas cobwebs

The miracle of Christmas

Tale of three trees

A Christmas truce

The suppliers are eden books, cenacle books, redemptoris publications, st Paul's book store...

A few other traditions to incoorporate:

Stir up Sunday

The first Sunday of advent us stir-up Sunday..Everyone can take a turn at stirring Christmas pudding. There are variations to this. Also time to prepare your mincemeat upfront.

Some of the posts from archives 2014, 2016.


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