Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 1 October 2020

Footy stars in action...

It's on the month of October now, continuing autumn season. Today is the feast of Our little Theresu too . Reminded of Little flower. The little saint from France who was totally caught up with transformative power of God. I thank God again for the beautiful miracle in our family...seeing our prem babe who has grown so much in His mercy. It was a lovely day, she had some cards and money.

Our footy stars Thereu and Geo were spending most time playing football outdoor though it was pouring down in between. Since they are so crazy wearing Messie's jersey shirt which came only  the other day.

Our altar was decorated with mini statues of little Therese , books , rose flower and prayer cards.

   Gift shared by one of our friends on the Feast day

 Children listened to the story of St Therese , learning about France where she was born. There are so many beautiful things popped up when we were browsing about this beautiful country in the world which attracts the biggest number of tourists and with 12 time zones around.

We spent some time going to nearby rose garden to make Theresu merrier and returned.

 Caramel slice was prepared in the eve hoping to slice but we were tied up with singing songs for adoration.  It was a blessed day. Reminded of her beautiful quote  " I like to spend in heaven in doing good works in earth".

   St Therese of Child Jesus pray for us. 

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