Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 30 October 2020

All Hallows Eve party

 One of the beautiful celebrations is used to be All Saints Day party which we were celebrating over  the last 7 years. This time it's turned to be virtual. I am enamored by the fact of communion of saints and able to ask the friendship and prayers of those gone before us.

Our kids always looked forward to pick their saints and making their costumes. This time it is  going to be more exciting to Theresu and Geo. So many costumes you make out of the dressing up items and props. All the previous posts are here, 201520132016,....

Since it is lock down in places, many kids join with the online celebration. It used to be with homeschoolers few years before, then  JY children, parishioners. The virtual gathering began with song..'We are marching saints ...'  and everyone marched in their homes.Children dressed up and introduced themselves and announced what they dressed up as and gave a minute to talk.

On November first we celebrate the cutest All Saints Day,one of it is decorating  Pumpkin lanterns and christian symbols were made. This time it was Jochayan did the carving and carved the shape of the Lord. The lantern looks splendid and eerie sitting in the window sill with the lights turned out.

         Below is the display of pumpkin lanterns by some of the JY children .

A few days were busy preparing costume and props at home. Theresu dressed up as St Joan of Arc and Geo as St Michael the archangel. I am dressed up as St Margaret Clitheroe, one of my favourite saints from York, known as Pearl of York; one of the English martyr.

Preparing the banner for St Joan and Munnu is making shield for St Michael. 

Every year our party table will be filled with candies, sweets, treats. One year it was great going out in the street as a procession and visited some friends. This was a neat tradition in various European countries back from reformation doing souling. IT used to be children coming and knocking  doors for trick or treat, and we gave bags of sweets with scripture passages stuck on the bags. I prepared the same, however none of the children turned up this time , maybe the corona has such an impact on children too.

                                            Trick or treat bags ready to share

  This used to be the guessing jar with some saints symbols. Candy canes, caramel candies, wafers, finger chocolates, cheese swirls ..reminding different saints symbols.

                                 Preparing the cupcake with the help of Geo


Some of the saints cutouts we made with Paperdali.

                             For all the saints
                      who from their labours rest
                        Who thee by faith
                        Before the world confest
                      Thy name o Jesus
                    be for ever blest
                       Alleluia, Alleluia.

All the saints Pray for us

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