Curriculum plans

Bible History

Wednesday 15 July 2020

End of School Year

Our School year just closed by last weekend.  This year went pass so hurriedly.  I could only imagine the beginning of the past academic year , 2019 Sept to 2020 July. In October for the half term, along with Thomas family, we had a caravan holiday with lots and lots of fun and infotainment.  Children enjoyed pools, activities, visiting St David cathedral and so on.

 Truly an amazing time though the trip ended with a tummy bug , Thersu and Geo took turns to diarrhoea and vomiting, lasted for a while. Thank God, all passed. Christmas was awesome time as usual, then we were aiming for holidays to India and time with parents and grand parents. All of us had a calming and refreshing time with our dear families, siblings.  Pandemic broke out slowly in different countries, back to UK. It took sometime to settle back with weather. By March, corona reached UK and many other places. Lockdown started and pretty much outdoor activities slowed down and stopped like athletes, circus, visits to museums, football club, national trust visits, libraries, piano lessons, Sundsy schools, Annu's Manchester college . Mock exams were done and finally this year closed with usual evaluations; distributing certificates, sweets, stationary items for summer break . 

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