Curriculum plans

Bible History

Saturday 2 May 2020

May-Month of Mary

May is considered to be the month of Mary our Mother from middle ages. God honored Mary above all creatures by making her the mother of His son. Mary's special privilege were given by her by God. So church also honours Mary very specially during this month. As Elizabeth says '' And why this granted to me, that the Mother of God come to me ?''. She is the mother of Lord and our mother , in the divine words of our Lord to Mary, ''Behold thy son''and to His disciple John, ''Behold thy mother', she became our mother too.

We are going to walk with Mary for next 30 days.

1. Making a mini altar for Our Lady

Find some space in you home and decorate and keep a little statue. So everyday we can make special prayers though her. This is part of venerating her. Though we don't worship Mary, God alone is the worship. Lots of ideas here in Catholicinspired blog to make it as beautiful it can.

2.  Crowning of Mary

This is another practice in Christian homes, which used to be very popular in Britain and USA. In the simplest form, Mary crowning involves putting a statue of Mary and singing some hymns, like Mary we crown thee..and placing a garland or a crown for here. Many of the churches in Britain still practice it on this month with a special ceremony. The youngest can bring the crown on a soft cushion and the oldest can crown the Lady. Though churches and schools remain closed, it can be still be done in our homes.

By walking with Mary, we can always try be like her or imitate; through our prayers.

3. Saying Angelus prayer which is a little masterpiece is the Angelus Domini...The angel of the Lord.
The church invites us to call to mind three times a day the great mystery of the Incarnation accomplished in Mary for our salvation. When St Alphonsus Ligouri had grown old and deaf, he begged to be informed when the angelus was rung. Even if he was out on the street,at the first sound of the bell, he knelt at once to recite it. Or else practise learning, Magnificat the Canticle of Mary this month. Mary is like a magnifying glass which magnify things. She praise God and magnifies Him, praise His mercy and kindness. Beautiful mini booklet of Regina Coeli can be printed, assemble the booklet and children can color in for the Easter season.

4.As part of walking with the Lady, let us learn the meaning of some of the marian titles.Gate of Heaven, Our Lord came to earth through Mary. Another title of Mary in litany is Ark of the covenant , the presence of God in the Old Testament(Exodus) where in New Testament it is Mary.Inside the ark of covenant is the ten commandments, Aaron's rod and manna.Mary who is the ark of covenant where God's presence is there, Jesus fulfilled the covenant, became the High priest and Bread of life which is parallel to OT.
Children could download the printable,stick it on a thick cardstock,fold it along the dotted line and assemble the ark of the covenant and drop tablet inside. Ark of covenant printables to do can be accessed.

Another title of Mary as 'Queen of martyrs' , along with all the English martyrs who gave their life for the faith of the country, includes all priest, women and men from the time of reformation we may ask for their powerful intercession. Litany of saints of English can be done. Children can taught about what it is meant to be Communion of saints .Mary is queen of martyrs not because of her martyrdom, however it is through her bitter sorrows and sufferings.

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