Curriculum plans

Bible History

Wednesday 2 November 2016

All Hallows Eve / All Saints day Eve

It is the time again for All saints and had the opportunity to have an All Hallows eve party along with Thomas family this year instead of our regular homeschoolers group and from Manchester JY groups.

 Children even did some pumpkin lanterns with some christian symbols.

This was so great and I thank God as it was my dream to sew some saints costumes with our sewing machine and come true with the help my beloved Jobychayan. We started the day with some costumes, food and some games. Children looked so lovely in their saints costumes and so happy to see it.

              Theresu as  St Joan of Arc

                     Munnu as St Patrick

                  St Therese and St Faustina

St George

               Samuel as St George

                    Vidya as St Theresa of Calcutta

Video of All saints eve here

As a family we went to some of the houses in Worcester as children would love to meet some people and have trick/ treat sweets too. ,

Theresu and Benny along with big children singing '' We are marching saints....I wanna be in that number...''

Reached home and had scavenger hunt, guess saints and everyone did brief introduction of their saints and was great

          Heart behind the costumes

                                                All Saints pray for us

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