Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 13 October 2016


Its Autumn is here, days are getting shorter and time is exciting with vivid array of colours. Maple leaves changing to red and orange, birch leaves started fading to brown. So we were out with children collecting autumn leaves, conkers and acorns. Colours are so bright and it is hard to believe that it leads us into starkness which is winter.The joy of this season can pass by very easily, whether we enjoy or not.
I really love this season of the year where the nature make many provisions in adapting to approaching winter , the beautiful nature always points me to the God who created everything in order. I really like the different colours of autumn, trees, harvest and lots of berries to be picked erly autumn and the apples in the orchard. Many things that the children can do along with autumn.

We may  stuck with many loss and the leaves falling. However the truth is that everything comes to an end. Since winter can become spring and our darkest moments also pass.

'Autumn is a second spring every leaf is a flower'

This time of the year we are thinking to do so many things like researching about autumn saints, harvest, fruits and vegetables, why leaves changing colors, hibernation, migration, festivals, arts and so on..

ecclesticaus 3;1

Children were doing autumn craft with leaves collected, by dipping it in paraffin wax especially Theresu liked it.

Both Mundackal and Joby families are doing autumn season and children brought wonderful visual aids to show each other what they have learnt about this wonderful season. Some of them did fox masks, badger, autumn saints,harvest, trees, migration, hibernation, squirels, autumn poems including acrostic poems and so on. Some of the autumn leaves, conkers and cones were displayed. One of tthe story children were reading this season was ' Danny the Champion' by Roald Dahl, as part of his 100th Centennary which falls on 13th Sept.

Theresu's autumn tree with falling leaves.

Her autumn saints were her own name saint St Therese and St Francis of Assisi.

Annu's lapbook

                       Some of our autumn books from library

Benny's badger 

Along with Thomas family, we went for a nature walk and bike riding, collected some autumn leaves and so great to c all the apples hanging in the cemetry.


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