Curriculum plans

Bible History

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Ordsal Hall

It was a great opportunity to visit Ordsal Hall along with other home educators, which is a Tudor mansion built in 15th Century in Salford. Children along with parents were invited to Grand chamber and took through time machine. Children were taken to the Tudor period learning bout Radcliffe family lived there in Hall. A Tudor servant and a rich Tudor lady was the teachers for the day.  We all dressed up like Tudor people,role played having a Tudor banquet.

It was a great learning to know how rich and poor prepared for a feast, how they drew water and herbs were of prime importance for culinary and medicinal purposes. Took out to the herb garden with mints, rosemary, lemon balm were touched and sniffed to get the feel.There were real animals haging in the kitchen , only served for the lords and ladies. Tudor maid was explaining how they had feast in different metal plates and cups were used for lords, merchants and farmers.Merchants were people who sold things from far off countries and she was looking pretty much like real tudor maid. Only lords and ladies had white bread and meat.

Meat was the aristocrat's diet in Tudor times. In Henry V111's time, there were more than 1000 servants in the Hampton Court Palace, depending upon the time. The servants got their hierarchy and the spit boys and girls come in the bottom level and their job was to turn the enormous iron spits used to turn the large quantities of roast. They have to get up by 4 am and prepare , had no break in between and only time they get the break was during lent when there was no meat allowed to eat.

Tudors went to lake to fetch water and used 2 buckets to balance which is called yoke. Tudors slept upright and certain things would pass down them if lying down flat and will kill them. Servers slept under the beds of lords , ladies,kings or queens. Brushing the teeth was not practiced by Tudors and Henry V111 had six wives , disapproved by catholic church.

Children lay on a 4 poster Tudor bed and tried ruffs and sat in the Tudor bath.Tudor's put lamb's blood under the bed to prevent the bugs sucking their blood.

In the end there was a dance party

What a terrific Tudor Tuesday.

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