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Sunday 17 July 2016

Our Summer Concert

2016 Summer concert is up again as we heading to mid summer. This is the first time our little Theresu is doing a stage performance. I was really amazed to see the way she has developed her confidence and the way Lord is helping her to grow as a sweet little girl, always think how each child grow and the way they develop many skills as time progress rather than pushing them to achieve certain goals what we want.

Munnu played 'Little brook' in the piano and was good. There were pieces of works by children played in various instruments like piano, trumpet, guitar, accordian and singing .Annu played ' Lord I need you...' in piano too followed by an action song from VBS by Mundackals. The concert was begun with Do Re Mi ...and finished with Lonely goatherd.... from Sound Of  Music. It was a great opportunity to conduct the concert for the residents of St Joseph's Home, Longsight.

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