Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 29 July 2016

Summer Trip to London

It was  a great journey to London though there were hurdles in our trip. Most important thing what our children liked was the time with Thomas Family.

The first day was little horrendous with all the children, trying to fit everyone together in the underground train. We went in the River Thames by cruise which was a great opportunity to gaze at various historic buildings and places. Guide was explaining all about various historic moments like London fire, famous plagues, The great London Stink, places of executions, trenches etc. London tower bridge, London Eye, St Paul's cathedral Gherkin, Millennium dome Shakespeare globe . Parliament, Big Ben, London Metro Police HQ,  Wharf and in the end was Greenwich Meridian was eye catching experience to all of us. Just visited observatory situated on a hill top overlooking River Thames and saw the Greenwich line which represents the Prime Meridian of the world- longitude 0 degree and it was such a beautiful site from the top.

The first place we visited was the Buckingham palace where the queen resides, hoping to see the guards change over at 11 am, however it was heavily crowded and we had Ethan with us.

In River Thames

London Bridge is falling down....not London Bridge , it is Tower bridge.

Guide was explainig all about first public lavatories came into exixtence and started spending penny and how the expression of 'spend a penny' came.

Most of the second day trip were spent in London sight seeing bus , could hear the commentary inside the bus and we got down in few places like St Paul's cathedral and  to have food and play.

On our way back from London, we spent some time with our friends and cousins. We halted at Thomas family for a day to celebrate our Godson's 7th birthday and it a great time.

Thursday 28 July 2016

End Of Year 2016

We wrapped up our school year . Infact we were doing schooling outside enjoying the weather taking bit more of a relaxed version.

Children along with us had some time of evaluation about what they liked most and not, what would they like to do for the next year?

Kids had some goodies to enjoy and use during summer holidays.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Our Summer Concert

2016 Summer concert is up again as we heading to mid summer. This is the first time our little Theresu is doing a stage performance. I was really amazed to see the way she has developed her confidence and the way Lord is helping her to grow as a sweet little girl, always think how each child grow and the way they develop many skills as time progress rather than pushing them to achieve certain goals what we want.

Munnu played 'Little brook' in the piano and was good. There were pieces of works by children played in various instruments like piano, trumpet, guitar, accordian and singing .Annu played ' Lord I need you...' in piano too followed by an action song from VBS by Mundackals. The concert was begun with Do Re Mi ...and finished with Lonely goatherd.... from Sound Of  Music. It was a great opportunity to conduct the concert for the residents of St Joseph's Home, Longsight.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

'Science Up Close 2016 '

Sci- Tech Daresbury Lab is a leading centre of science, innovaton, technology and business in rural cheshire and we got an opportunity to visit this wonderful lab as part of family event 'Science Up Close' happened on last week end which we came to know through other home edders. You can try your hand at programming mini robots and immerse yourselves in the virtual worlds and science experiments. The lab was opened for fist time to the public in the last 10 years and was an amazing opportunity for children and adults to know about wide range of telescopes, comets, galaxies, how MAGLEV trains work. There were models of  particle accelerators  and how did they work in cancer detection, Large Hadron collider tunnel, kitchen science activities including mixing various daily kitchen items, 3D printing, esp. ALICE that can help in very early identification of cancers.

Below is a infra red camera and explains how infra red captures heat from our body and the image in the screen explains whether he/ she got hot or cold nose by looking at the shades. Since body gives off radiation in the form of heat- we call this infra red radiation. This type of cameras can be used to measure sea surface temperatures from outer space.

Model of a Comet

                                       Kitchen Sience

One professor was conducting hands on workshop on model of atoms and explaining about protons, neutrons and electrons. It was great to know about Quarks which is explained as the elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter, which was a very new information to me. In addition, she was talking about leptrons, different types of quarks, dark matter, matter and non matter and so on..

There was a science activity zone with lots and lots of hands on activity for family to get involved  and was a brilliant day.

Monday 11 July 2016

Munnu's 10th Birthday

Our Munnu turned 10. Time is flying so fast and I still remember my little baby when he was born. Munnu likes transformers especially Bumble bee and Optimus prime transformers. I wanted to do that theme for his birthday. Thank God for all the last 10 years. Just wanted to make an optimus prime cake, tried to cut out logo in icing using the stencil and applied in the cake, didn't work out properly. 

Birthday boy blowing the candle

Munnu is a lego fan and got some lego bricks,base board on his birthday and enjoy making different shapes and he had a mini rocket and some paper aeroplanes to assemble.

Just went to Trafford shopping mall to give him a treat and enjoyed watching Euro cup in there.