Curriculum plans

Bible History

Tuesday 2 February 2016


Blogging after a long holiday and a break. Candlemas, the feast of Presentation of Our Lord and Purification of Our Lady falls on Feb 2nd ,celebrates the day on which infant Jesus was taken up to the temple. Simeon took the child in his arms and declared that child would be light to whole world.
Luke 2;32 '' A light to enlighten the gentiles and glory of your people, Israel''.

As we often do with feasts children and me did plan to do tea along with a special centerpiece and a craft .This is hastily planned but it was a great time for us.

Children enacted Luke 2;..Mary and Joseph presenting infant Jesus in the temple.

 The candles are blessed in many churches and can be used again for the family candlelight supper.There is an old saying- ''After Candlemas-candleless'' means after Candlemas the days get longer, spring is on its way.'Who will be the first in the family to see the first snowdrop and first shoots of crocus?
                         Have a blessed day

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